Greg Lamy Quartet丨欧洲迷你之国孕育出的多元爵士旋律思潮

2023-05-10 14:56:27

卢森堡或许是一个对于大多数人来说并不太熟悉的国家,它远不如附近的邻居比利时、德国和法国出名。在这个国土面积只有2000多平方公里(仅比广州市大一丢丢)、人口总数只有57万(还不及人口总数为60万的澳门特别行政区多)的欧洲小国中,音乐氛围却是相当的浓厚。就连卢森堡的一个官方机构——卢森堡音乐推广办公室music: LX都在说:音乐是卢森堡人民日常生活中必可不少的文化活动。在过去的十年中,卢森堡这个欧洲小国见证了超过500个乐队和音乐人的诞生,从民谣、爵士、布鲁斯到流行乐、摇滚乐、电子乐,热爱音乐的卢森堡人将多元的音乐内容带到了自己丰富多彩的文化生活之中。

Luxembourg might be the unfamiliar countury for most people and it is not so famous like its neighbor Belgium, Germany or France. Luxembourg is one of the smallest sovereign states in Europe with  an area of 2,586 square kilometres and it only has the population of 576,249. However, the music atmosphere is quite dense. As the Luxembourgish Music Export Office music: LX said, music is undoubtedly the cultural activity that is most present in the everyday lives of people in the Grand Duchy. Over the past ten years, the Grand Duchy has seen the birth of about 500 bands and artists. From folk, jazz, blues to pop, rock and electro, Luxembourgish bring a pluristic music forms to their lives. 


而Greg Lamy Quartet更是其中最为耀眼的乐队之一。他们出色的音乐以及成熟的演奏方式令这支乐队在国际舞台上名声大噪,也为卢森堡的音乐史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。为了表彰Greg Lamy Quartet对于卢森堡音乐传播的突出贡献,卢森堡音乐推广办公室music: LX授予了乐队爵士乐类别下的“年度最佳海外推广艺人”的荣誉

Greg Lamy Quartet is one of the most outstanding bands in Luxembourg. They become very successful on the international stage and leave as a landmark of Luxembourg music because of the beautiful music and mature performance. For citing Greg Lamy Quartet's prominent contribution of promoting Luxembour music, the band was awarded the Export Artist of the Year Award by Luxembourgish Music Export Office music: LX.

作为一支爵士乐队,Greg Lamy Quartet的音乐却绝不只是“爵士乐”那么简单:他们有时仿佛游走在爵士乐和布鲁斯的交叉路口,有时又似乎带着些抒情歌谣的意味,甚至有时你会误以为自己点开了一首可以跳舞的swing音乐。这便是Greg Lamy Quartet所带来的多元旋律思潮,他们的音乐有着无限的可能性,你永远不知道下一个弹奏出的音符会带来怎样的惊喜。但不管怎么说,Greg Lamy Quartet的音乐一定会满足每一只挑剔的耳朵

As a jazz band, the music of Greg Lamy Quartet is not just jazz: sometimes walking around the cross of jazz and blues, sometimes playing folk ballad, sometimes you think you play a swing song to dance. That is the band brings multiple melodical climates.Their music has limitless possibilities and you never know what will be the next note to surprise you. Anyway, Greg Lamy Quartet’s music could satisfy each demanding ear.

乐队中的四位成员已经携手走过了十一年,他们之间拥有着无法言说的默契,也在这样的默契之中享受一起演奏音乐的乐趣,一起寻找新的突破,从而创造出一个只属于Greg Lamy Quartet的独特音乐氛围

The members of Greg Lamy Quartet have playedtogether for 11 years and they have the unspoken tacit. They enjoy to playmusic under this tacit and to reach new heights, which creates a uniqueatmosphere of Greg Lamy Quartet. 

乐队中的每一位成员在演奏方面都有着鲜明的特点:作为乐队的灵魂人物,吉他手Greg Lamy弹奏出的音色清新纯净;低音提琴手Gautier Laurent对于音乐有着很强的敏感度,总是能够准确地抓住他想表达的那个音符;当你一听到萨克斯风手Johannes Müller的音色,就会感觉到他音乐中的情感深度;而鼓手Jean-MarcRobin的敲击精准有力,为Greg Lamy Quartet的音色添加了更多立体感。

Each member has his own feature in playing instrument. As the front-man of the band, guitarist Greg Lamy owns a refreshing and pure sound; double bassist Gautier Laurent has a requisite sensitivity of music, which helps him to grab the exact note he needs; Johannes Müller has an elaborate and sophisticated skill in playing saxophone and he is good at expressing emotions through his music vocabulary; Jean-MarcRobin controls a fabulous technique of playing jazz drum and he also makes the sound of Greg Lamy Quartet much more three-dimensional.

2017年10月,Greg Lamy Quartet在Igloo Records发行了他们的最新作品《Press Enter》(《按回车键》)。这不仅仅是一张充满现代感的专辑,更像是对于一段美妙旅程的邀请。《Press Enter》这张唱片会触发听众产生一种很丰富多元的感觉,既是印象化的,也是具象化的;既是忧郁哀伤的,又是充满能量的。而这一次,Greg Lamy Quartet也会带着这张专辑来到中国,开启一段奇妙的音乐旅程。

InOctober 2017, the Greg Lamy Quartet released, on Igloo Records, its new opus: Press Enter. More than just an album marked by modernity, it is the first and foremost an invitation to a journey. The album thus seduces with a broad range of sensations, both impressionist and figurative, melancholic and energetic. And this time, Greg Lamy will come to China give audience a splendid music journey with the album Press Enter!


卢森堡爵士乐队Greg Lamy Quartet

多元爵士的旋律思潮  2018 中国巡演

7月12日  沈阳  1905文化创意园1905剧场

7月13日  哈尔滨  哈尔滨大剧院

7月14日  大连  赫兹酒吧

7月15日  北京  DDC黄昏黎明俱乐部

7月16日  杭州  MAO Livehouse

7月17日  长沙  VOX Livehouse

7月18日  武汉  VOX Livehouse

7月19日  南京  欧拉艺术空间

7月21日  厦门  Real Live


Greg Lamy Quartet

2018 Chinese Tour

July 12   Shenyang   Space 1905

July 13   Harbin   Harbin Grand Theater

July 14   Dalian   Hertz Bar

July 15   Beijing   DDC 

July 16   Hangzhou   MAO Livehouse

July 17   Changsha   VOX Livehouse

July 18    Wuhan   VOX Livehouse

July 19   Nanjing   Ola Art Space

July 21   Xiamen   Real Live

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2017年,由Tsong Dao Prod.组织协调,巴黎法国文化中心和法国驻华使馆倾力支持“月乐约法国音乐巡演”,这一围绕法国爵士和世界音乐展开的特别项目。每个月,将有一支法国的爵士/世界音乐乐队在中国多个城市最有代表性的Club和Livehouse以及大剧院中进行巡演。为法国的爵士和世界音乐积攒了相当的人气。

RENDEZ-VOUS Fresh French music ON TOUR is supported by the French Embassy in China and the French Institute - Paris, which will give monthly performances of French Jazz or World Music musicians in some theatres and clubs in China.This project enhances the cultural exchange between China and France. At the same time, it helps French musicians and artists to attract more amateurs and also increase their audience in China.


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