JZ Club上海 一周演出预告▷03.19-03.25

2023-05-10 14:56:27

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巨鹿路158号#158 JULU RD.

订座电话 | TEL

021-53098221 / 64310269

JZ Club


03/19 MON 周一


20:30 Early Set
Jacky Duo

陈晓俊,爵士吉他演奏家、歌手、作曲家。毕业于上海音乐学院后前往美国俄克拉荷马中央大学继续深造获得爵士吉他演奏硕士学位。他的演奏深受Joe Pass、Wes Montgomery、Pat Martino、Jack Wilkins、Peter Bernstein 和 Sheryl Bailey等爵士吉他大师的影响,在传承传统爵士乐的同时又不断在探索更新鲜的声音。

Jacky Chen is a young jazz guitar, singer and composer. He went to Central Oklahoma university to gain a jazz guitar master degree after graduated from Shanghai Conservatory Of Music. His performance deeply affected by Joe Pass, Wes Montgomery, Pat Martino, Jack Wilkins, Peter Bernstein and Sheryl Bailey.

22:00 Main Set

肖骏五重奏Jun Xiao Quintet 

肖骏是生活在纽约的华人青年爵士吉他演奏家/作曲家,他本科毕业于上海音乐学院,2016年在Suny-Purchase音乐学院拿到了他的硕士文凭,他同时也是Corbin吉他和D’Addario琴弦的代言人,2016年他的乐队被Montery jazz Festival选为全美最顶尖的6支青年乐队,被邀请参加了Next Generation jazz Festival, 在过去3年里 他活跃在纽约的爵士舞台上,与众多大师与明星乐手都有合作他们包括(Doug Weiss, Al Foster, Rick Rosato, Desmond White, Jerad Lippi,Alex Lore, Kevin Hays,Jerome Sabbagh)2017年6月他与纽约最顶尖的一批乐手(钢琴Kevin Hays 萨克斯 Alex Lore 贝斯 Rick Rosato 鼓手 Jerad Lippi)录制了第一张个人原创专辑《Triple Prism》并由4次格莱美获得者Dave Darlington完成了后期混音工作。 

A young and famous jazz guitarist and composer from Dali, Yunnan Province in China, Jun Xiao is a D’Addario Artist and Corbin Artist. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Shanghai Conservatory and a Masters in Jazz Performance from SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. Jun has performed as a member of Shanghai Conservatory Big Band at the Shanghai Jazz Festival, with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, and toured in China with Beibei,Tian Bai, Chris Trzcinskl Taihang Gao, Peng Ji and Danny Zanker, having performances at the Shanghai JZ Club, Jianghu Club, Ao Club , DDC Club and Jazz Huanglou. Jun has also performed at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, accompanying world-renowned Broadway singers Michael Ball and Miss Saigon-Lea Salonga. Jun has led his own groups in renowned clubs such as the Shanghai 288 Club and the Yuncai Club. His quintet was selected as one of the six finalists for the Next Generation Jazz Festival at the Monterey Jazz Festival.

03/20 TUE 周二


20:30 Early Set

Misha & Roksana Duo

Misha Kalinin


Guitar player and composer, studied music at renowned Arts University in Moscow during 5 years. Starting from 2005 he took part in many different famous projects in different kind of music styles from jazz to hip-hop. Cooperated with many famous musicians and being a part of bands he has been touring Europe, Russia, Asia. At the current time he is working and lives in Shanghai. 

Roksana Smirnova

钢琴演奏家及作曲家,出生于乌克兰-敖德萨。6岁开始学习钢琴,13岁在国际爵士音乐节(International Utiosov Jazz Festival)初崭头角。随后Roksanne 继续了近10年爵士钢琴及古典钢琴的学习并多次获得国际比赛奖项。 .F.Kennedy Center)的邀请参加音乐教育计划,与众多优秀音乐家及乐队有过合作。

Pianist and composer Roksanne Smirnova was born in Odessa, Ukraine. She took her first piano lessons at the age of six. When she was 13 she made her performance debut in International Utiosov Jazz Festival. Roksanne studied jazz piano at the school of Art and Culture in Odessa(1997-2001). Then she studied classical piano at the Music Academy in Odessa(2001-2006). In spring of 2008 the band with Roksanne wins 2nd price on international contest of young bands. Rokasana herself wins “Special price for best pianist”.

22:00 Main Set


Ekram & His Friends


Ekram’s musical upbringing made his deep love for music. He traveled to Shanghai and Spain, absorbing multicultural music. Singing is his dream, even if how rugged his musical road is, his love and hope for music will never burst.

03/21 WED 周三



20:30 Early Set

Jacky Chen

陈晓俊,爵士吉他演奏家、歌手、作曲家。毕业于上海音乐学院后前往美国俄克拉荷马中央大学继续深造获得爵士吉他演奏硕士学位。他的演奏深受Joe Pass、Wes Montgomery、Pat Martino、Jack Wilkins、Peter Bernstein 和 Sheryl Bailey等爵士吉他大师的影响,在传承传统爵士乐的同时又不断在探索更新鲜的声音。

Jacky Chen is a young jazz guitar, singer and composer. He went to Central Oklahoma university to gain a jazz guitar master degree after graduated from Shanghai Conservatory Of Music. His performance deeply affected by Joe Pass, Wes Montgomery, Pat Martino, Jack Wilkins, Peter Bernstein and Sheryl Bailey.

22:00  Main Set



乐队主领贝司演奏家,中国顶级爵士品牌JZ Music创始人,爵士大叔——任宇清。他用爵士和世界沟通,让爵士在中国成为生活的一部分,也让爵士在中国越来越多的城市萌芽! 他让越来越多的国际顶级爵士音乐家认识了中国爵士的蓬勃发展,也引领海纳百川的中国爵士走向世界!

Lao Ren's Birthday Bonus ↓Free Entry for Aries on that day. Happy Birthday!

Ren Yuqing is the founder of JZ Music Group since 2004, he invited many world-renowned Jazz masters and bands to perform in China, and successfully organized numerous Chinese tours for them, such as Fourplay, Branford Marsalis, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Laura Fygi, Nils Landgren, Chick Corea, Eddie Gomez, Mike Stern, etc. 

In Ren’s leadership, JZ Music Group is growing stronger and stronger with four Clubs in Shanghai(JZ Club、Wooden Box Café、On Stage、JZ latino), and one Club in Wuhan, one Club in Guangzhou, also including one jazz schoo(l JZ School), and the biggest jazz festival in China (JZ Festival). JZ Festival has now became the second biggest jazz festival in Asia. 

03/22 THU 周四


20:30 Early Set

Tjoe Quartet

Tjoe是香港土生土长的结他手及作曲家,2009年毕业於美国著名音乐学府Musicians Institute,随后以结他手姿态活跃于爵士、流行及独立音乐界,於2014年推出首张个人专辑《日常 FLOW》。2015年,Tjoe移居英国伦敦发展音乐事业,於短短一年间成为炙手可热 的乐手,与Nick Van Gelder (Jamiroquai鼓手),Francis Hylton (Incognito贝斯手)和Michelle John(Eric Clapton与Joss Stone和音)等著名乐手合作。2016年,Tjoe推出第二张个人专辑《日常FLOW LDN》,获英国著名爵士乐评人The Jazz Mann高度讚赏。目前Tjoe是品牌Melancon的官方结他手,於欧洲各地演出。

A very special night to bring you Tjoe man cheung the hong kong guitarist/composer,Music Genre: Jazz, Urban Jazz, Jazz Fusion, Experimental, Improvisation .

Tjoe's compositions and performance style is incredibly unique and his clear charisma as a band leader clearly communicate his effectiveness working with other musicians.' - Adam Maestro, Sofar Sounds London

Tjoe demonstrates his power of composition together with a hunger to feel and discover more of London.' - Erminia Yardley, jazzineurope.com

22:00 Main Set

II Funkky Shu's wit Nu Soles

II Funk ky Shu’s wit Nu Soles 是一支已成军20年的乐队。自从他们1998年首次演出获得成功后,这支由著名音乐家组合而成乐队陆续收到了来自美国、中国、法国和日本的演出邀请,并成功收割了一大波世界上超具影响力的音乐家及乐队(Barry White, Earth Wind and Fire, Lakeside, Regina Belle, Morris Day , The Time等)。他们在音乐中大胆添加各种风格元素,将R&B,funk,jazz,pop/rock完美融合。

II Funk ky Shu’s wit Nu Soles has performed together for 20 years. Since their debut performances in 1998, the husband and wife team, along with a well-known group of musicians, has given command performances throughout the United States, China, France, and Japan. They’ve opened for such world-renowned artists and groups such as Barry White, Earth Wind and Fire, Lakeside, Regina Belle, Morris Day and the Time, and many others.Take R&B, infuse it with a shot of funk, add a dash of soul, fold in a smidgen of jazz, and top it off with a sprinkle of modern pop/rock, and you’ve got II Funk ky Shu’s wit Nu Soles. 

03/23 SUN 周五


21:00 Early Set


黄任强三重奏是由中国首位爵士钢琴硕士、知名爵士钢琴家黄健怡主领的现代爵士三重奏。结合贝司、钢琴、鼓, 黄金阵容包含:JZ Music创始人、爵士贝司演奏家任宇清,以及来自毛里求斯的超级鼓手、创作才子李泉的长期音乐伙伴Jhonny Joseph。三人以十足的默契,充满音乐激情与生命力的演绎,为经典爵士赋予焕然一新的音乐气象。


The Modern jazz band RHJ Trio consists of pianist Huang Jianyi, bassist Ren Yuqing, and drummer Jhonny Joseph. Huang Jianyi was the first person in China to receive a master's degree in jazz piano. He is the founder of fusion band J3 and the pianist of Coco Zhao & The Possicobilities. Ren Yuqing is the founder of JZ Music Group since 2004, he invited many world-renowned Jazz masters and bands to perform in China, and successfully organized numerous Chinese tours for them. Jhonny Joseph was born to a musical family and started learning about music at an early age. He started to gain recognition and began to perform with the greats of Mauritian musicians such as Ernest Weihe, Eric Triton, Belingo Faro and Rajni Lallah.

22:30  Main Set


成立于2006年的JZ BIG BAND是目前中国最高水准、最活跃的爵士大乐队,集合了国内外的一流爵士乐手。从经典的摇摆乐、节奏感强烈的放克到热情的拉丁音乐,JZ BIG BAND将爵士的风味更好地在展现乐迷面前,乐队融合而丰富的音乐风格,以及让人眼花缭乱的个性独奏,瞬间带我们回到爵士的黄金时代,让我们在最纯粹的演奏中陶醉。大乐队由专注于高音、次中音萨克斯风演奏多年,并擅长即兴创作的Alec Haavik引导,这位大家熟知的纽约萨克斯风手近年来持续在国内外各大爵士音乐节献艺,这位霹雳指挥的现场更是肆意洒脱,让观众惊喜连连。

The JZ Big Band is the premier large jazz ensemble in China. Conducted by Shanghai Jazz Music icon – Alec Haavik. Featuring the top American, European and Chinese musicians based inShanghai, the band has received critical acclaim for its performances withinternationally renowned artists like Dee Dee Bridgewater, Cui Jian, Li Quan,Coco Zhao and others. They’ve participated in the previous JZ Festival Shanghai many times,Shanghai expo, JZ Festival Dalian, Shanghai International Film Festival andmany International High level brands, and became very active in China and invarious music activities in the world. Also, as the designated band of LauraFygi’s China tour in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. JZ BigBand performs everything from swing Jazz to funk and Latin music, also Music Director- Alec Haavik’s original compositions, They are the Top Jazz big band in China.


Coco Zhao has explored the possibilities of jazz within traditional and modern music and culture, both Western and Chinese.His unique voice, imagination, and expressive singing style have made him beyond reproach as one of China's most creative voices. Coco has gained world wide recognition and has received invitations to music festival sworld wide. Youth Daily has called him “China’s most promising young Jazz musician".

01:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By Big Al G

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

03/24 SAT 周六


21:00 Early Set


PlaRay是保加利亚和毛里求斯文化的结合,受到中国文化的欢迎,这个团队以其灵性灵感的声乐,丰富的和声和其独特的风格而着称,以意识和爱情为基础。他们的音乐总是新鲜的。 这个团队的核心是一个和平和谐的家庭,受到许多其他艺术家的启发 - 音乐和生活。他们在不同的表演中表现不同的音乐风格,他们可以摇摆,可以爵士乐,他们可以带你深入巴尔干地区,体验异国情调的岛屿精神生活。 

PlaRay is a mix of Bulgarian and Mauritian cultures, spiced up by the culture of China, where the musicians all live. This team is known for its powerful grooves, spiritually inspired vocals, rich harmonies, and its unique style-based on present moment awareness and LOVE. No song ever sounds the same as any other time, so their music is always fresh. The core of this team is a peaceful and harmonious family, known to inspire many other artists- in music, as well as in life. Their hearts will lead them to different music styles during different performances, so hear them more than once. They can swing, jazz, funk and groove, and with the same ease they can take you deep into The Balkans and bring the exotic island spirits to life.  

22:30  Main Set

 II Funkky Shu's wit Nu Soles

II Funk ky Shu’s wit Nu Soles 是一支已成军20年的乐队。自从他们1998年首次演出获得成功后,这支由著名音乐家组合而成乐队陆续收到了来自美国、中国、法国和日本的演出邀请,并成功收割了一大波世界上超具影响力的音乐家及乐队(Barry White, Earth Wind and Fire, Lakeside, Regina Belle, Morris Day , The Time等)。他们在音乐中大胆添加各种风格元素,将R&B,funk,jazz,pop/rock完美融合。

II Funk ky Shu’s wit Nu Soles has performed together for 20 years. Since their debut performances in 1998, the husband and wife team, along with a well-known group of musicians, has given command performances throughout the United States, China, France, and Japan. They’ve opened for such world-renowned artists and groups such as Barry White, Earth Wind and Fire, Lakeside, Regina Belle, Morris Day and the Time, and many others.Take R&B, infuse it with a shot of funk, add a dash of soul, fold in a smidgen of jazz, and top it off with a sprinkle of modern pop/rock, and you’ve got II Funk ky Shu’s wit Nu Soles. 

01:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

03/25 SUN 周日


21:00 Main Set


Jade Lee Quintet

李婕毕业于英国皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院爵士声乐硕士,留学期间,曾师从英国著名爵士音乐家Tina May、Nia Lynn、Brigitte Beraha、Huw Warren、Paula Gardiner,并接受格莱美奖得主Jacqui Dankworth、英国著名爵士乐歌手Claire Martin、英国当代灵魂爵士乐歌手Zara McFarlane的声乐指导。李婕的演出足迹遍布卡迪夫、斯旺西、威尔士等地,并受邀参加Brecon Jazz Festival爵士音乐节。她有着宽阔的音域,丰富而温暖的声线,并且认真对待每一个旋律和音符,用她的激情演唱感染着观众。Brigitte Beraha这样评价她:“李婕是一个全面且自信的魅力舞台表演家,是一个独特的爵士歌手。”

Crowd favorite Jade Lee is back for a night of the highest quality jazz! Having studied under famed jazz singer, Tina May, in the UK, Jade has been blowing people away since returning to China. She is an amazing songstress and a constant crowd pleaser with her powerful yet delicate voice. She has a gorgeous range and delivery and it is easy to understand why she has been noted as one of the budding stars on the jazz scene in China.






时间:每晚 9:00PM-10:30PM(周二&周三有主播)

这是一档由“爵士大叔”老任发起、众多爵士音乐家鼎力加盟的爵士现场直播节目。直播将在以上海JZ Club为主的爵士演出现场,通过高品质的House Mic 接收现场每一段旋律和掌声并完整推送至电台,戴上耳机、闭上眼睛,仿佛瞬间移动到现场。





周五 /周六(特别演出除外)



B 小沙发(B1-B4)


C 大沙发(C1-C3)













周日 周三 周四








#158 JULU RD.


021-53098221 / 64310269


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