5/1 Tuesday → ROCK THE LABOUR DAY!劳动节快乐

2023-05-10 14:56:27

Bands: Hugh Reed And The Electric Shadows (Alternative / Punk), Rhonda (Post-rock), Great Buffalo Blues (Blues / Funk), Sardine Is Back And The Wheel Is Broken (Improv punk rock)

10pm, Free!

Hugh Reed & The Electric Shadows:

Following local TV appearances, his band The Velvet Underpants’ were invited by Deborah Harry of the band ‘Blondie’ to support her on 11 dates throughout Britain in the winter of 1993. This culminated in Hugh and Debs doing a live duet of Waiting for the Man, which can be watched on Youku. Deborah also faxed Lou to tell him about Hugh. 

Hugh describes himself as ‘multi-talentless’ and is seen in a cameo role in the coolest film of the nineties Trainspotting - buying alcoholic drinks for a 14 year old girl he loses out to Renton, the main man, and gets his pint nicked in the process. Watch out for the dodgy-looking geyser with sideburns and a frilly shirt. More recently he appeared in the Jackie Chan movie ’12 Zodiacs’ as a butler and has also appeared on CCTV in many small acting roles. 

Hugh previously toured extensively throughout the U.K., Germany, Holland, Belgium and Ireland. Hugh has relocated to Beijing, and recorded his next album ‘Ni fa feng le ma?’ The Electric Shadows has been formed with Ben Coles (UK), Dane (USA), Elly (Uganda) and maverick artist Benjamin Saphiro (UK), all of whom have played in bands and made music in their home countries.

英国是个出了名的产疯子的地方,朋克、足球和酒鬼应该最有名。 电影里最让人印象深刻的我想就是《发条橙》和《猜火车了》 Hugh Reed于1990年在苏格兰格拉斯哥出道,离开前乐队The Velvet Underpants后,1998年起他便以单飞艺人形象登场。现在他有了他的中国乐队。这次Hugh Reed & the Electric Shadows将用英国人特有的疯狂方式给你绝对4D的现场体验Rhonda 成军于2014年,由来自意大利和美国的4位朋友组成。受后摇滚,后朋克,前卫金属和数学摇滚影响,他们致力于创造器乐音乐,将旋律和攻击性结合在一起,席卷了京城各个音乐现场。在两位原始成员离开后,现在乐队由 Tommaso(吉他),Nico(低音),Yiyi(鼓),Antoine(吉他)组成。


Rhonda is a music project started in 2014 in Beijing by 4 friends coming from Italy and USA. Drawing influences from progressive metal and math rock, they have dedicated themselves to create instrumental music which combines melody and aggression. After a couple line-up changes following the departure of two of their original members, the band now consists of Tommaso (guitar), Nico (bass), Zhangyiyi (drums).

Rhonda 成军于2014年,由来自意大利和美国的4位朋友组成。受前卫金属和数学摇滚影响.他们致力于创造器乐音乐,将旋律和攻击性结合在一起,席卷了京城各个音乐现场。在两位原始成员离开后,现在乐队由 Tommaso(吉他),Nico(低音),。

Great Buffalo Blues:

The duo began with two players who just wanted to write and play songs that told the true stories, and then they expanded into a three piece electric blues band. Dooder brought his cajon, his guitar and his soul man style. Kamau brought his guitar and vocals. Together, the duo started crafting songs that weaved funk rhythms and blues to bring to stage songs like "If I Told You I loved You," "Dream Song,"  "7th Floor," and "While We Were Sleeping."

They bring the funk. They bring the fire. They bring the feeling that you're feeling in your bones as you're reading through their bio.

Sardine Is Back And The Wheel Is Broken:

Sardine is Back and the Wheel is Broken is an improvised punk band.

* This month special: Slow Boat craft beer - S.O.S BELGIAN WIT only 35rmb

本月特价:悠航精酿啤酒 ‘南三里屯比利时小麦’ 只要35元(原价45)


We open at 7pm from Tuesday till Sunday.


ADD: Guloudong Da Jie #206 B202, Dongcheng District, Beijing



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