迷一般的男子 摇滚乐团Green!Eyes

2023-05-10 14:56:27


6月25日 21:15


门票:预售Presale 60元 现场At door 80元






美 男 子 !

当然在这无聊的噱头之外,Green!Eyes的音乐更是让人值得关注。他们是台湾圈內少有以全英文创作的乐队,以英式 Indie Rock / Soft Rock 为主,揉合 Folk、Country、Jazz 等等元素,時而配合小提琴,温婉细腻,而老王本人其实是一个专业录音室,其所拥有的 Rooftop Audio 錄音室更孕育出众多台湾乐团的唱片录制。

Green!Eyes - Animal Suit


贝斯手哲毓,也是另一位焦点人物, Tizzy Bac 的成員,台上疯狂投入的卖力演出是其招牌绝活。樂團圍繞著兩位,配合一眾流動的樂手,出道以來虽然一直維持低调作风,但仍然無損其圈內地位。们的作品在现场演出中可以很自然的让人记住:在鲜明律动中围绕着复杂的吉他独奏和聪明的鼓点,偶尔会以跳动的鼓和甜美的爵士味吉他来驯服你的耳朵。

Green!Eyes - Green Spider

如果你还对 Green!Eyes 不了解,或是你可能会误以为是哪个女主唱,对!别怀疑你的眼睛,他就是这么美!Green!Eyes的音乐作品依然让人喜爱和期待。

Green!Eyes - Christmas Side (2012)

Green!Eyes is a Taiwan indie band that’s been active roughly 10 years. The band was, is, and probably will never be big due to the fact that these cool dudes hate commercial marketing and purposely avoid public attention. Interestingly, all of Green!Eyes songs are composed in English, which are much more affluential from an international perspective. After a couple of listenings, it is obvious that the band’s style is heavily influenced by indie rock, soft-rock, jazz, country/folk and definitely lo-fi with their recording model. Green!Eyes have a very mature performing style in various live recordings. Their live songs are naturally mesmerizing: sophisticated guitar solos along with clever drumming encompass the vital vibe that differentiates the classic from the conventional, and Yu-Chen’s very distinct singing/hairstyle might be another factor that makes Green!Eyes stand out from norm. Check them out if you are a hard-core rock fan who wants to start exploring indie and folk rock. This perfect interface band will take your ears with funky drums and sweet sweet semi-jazz guitar, but just enough to keep your rock soul still intrigued by squeaky solos and clean bass-lines.

6.25 !EYES
6.26 老因那2015首演(免票)
6.27 瑞士最佳雷鬼/节奏布鲁斯团体Alenko Trio
6.28 马潇【间隔年出走】全国巡演厦门站
7.1 吉普赛前卫摇滚VIALKA
7.3 旅行团
7.6 意大利偶像流行朋克大团MELODY FALL


ADD: NO.60,ShapoweiRoad,Xiamen

(within Western Arts District)

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