3月1日DDC 流动的表演,前卫的节奏 | 法国当代爵士乐队OXYD中国巡演 #DDL呈现

2023-05-10 14:56:27

法国当代前卫爵士乐队OXYD来自巴黎,成立于2006年,乐队深受现代爵士音乐人 Jim Black, Steve Coleman, John Hollenbeck, Marc Ducret 等影响,也从 AlasNoAxis, Kneebody, Radiohead 及 Sonic Youth 等乐队的音乐中汲取了养分。在受欧美爵士乐影响的同时,乐队也从摇滚、流行、现代音乐中获得了灵感。


键盘手兼作曲的 Alexandre Herer 是乐队的领衔人物,他善于用多变的音色和效果营造出复古又写实的音乐氛围;小号手 Olivier Laisney 和次中音萨克斯手 Julien Pontvianne 负责引导乐队的旋律和即兴演奏,担任乐队的重要先锋;电贝斯手Oliver Degabriele和鼓手Thibault Perriard则为乐队的节奏部分提供高质量的支撑。

十多年来,他们一共发行了1张EP、3张专辑,超过了150场音乐会,登上过众多音乐节舞台,足迹遍及法国和欧洲、美国和中国。最新一张原创专辑更有从 Nirvana, Sonic Youth, Soundgarden 等车库摇滚乐队获得创作灵感。

2013年他们携专辑《Plasticity》首次来到中国;2016年他们携纯器乐新专辑《Long Now》为中国观众带来“Plugged In Nirvana”中国巡演。


DDL: How many times had OXYD been China before? How do you like China’s culture and its music vibe? 

OXYD: OXYD came in China twice before this tour. The very first time was in 2013 and the second time in 2016. Each tour was different, speaking about people we met, cities we visited. We like Chinese culture : people are kind and very welcoming, always ready to invite us to have lunch or to speak about music.

DDL: Is the coming tour going to bring something different to our audiences?  (Than the tour’s before) 

OXYD:The band just wrote some new music and will play it in China for the first time. We can't wait to play it !

DDL: What do you think the best part of OXYD’s music? 

OXYD: I think it's really a collective music, on several points: the music is written by everybody, arranged by everybody, and the most important thing is that when we keep a musical idea to play on stage, or to record it, every musician likes the idea and is really ok to play it. No concession, no musician imposing his idea or his tune. Every bit of the music written is subject of a long discussion, not about if it's good or not, but whether everybody wants to play now in this band...

Long Now - OXYD

DDL: Could you tell us more about how OXYD combine rock n roll music with jazz music? What will be the outcomes of this motivation? 

OXYD: From rock music, OXYD mostly take the energy of the music, and some codes like loud volume, saturations, drumming style, but OXYD are a jazz band, speaking of the freedom to play what you want and to improvise...

The principal motivation is to speak about the music we would listen to when we were younger, but with the help of languages we developed during our musical studies like classic or jazz.

DDL: Is there anything you would like to say to our Chinese audiences?

OXYD: Stay opened to every type of music! Because it's a real pleasure to play our kind of music, very personal, in front of an audience who appreciates it and who reacts to it positively just like during our last concerts in China !



“This was a really impressive performance with very tight, intricate and imaginative arrangements, full of surprises and startling changes of pace. To the loud delight of the audience delicate improvisations would suddenly explode into heavy prog-rock beats with ferocious drumming driving the band forward. […]. Herer’s use of the Rhodes was particularly fresh and had been outstanding in the first set too.”

 ——London Jazz News – Peter Slavid, 2015

 “OXYD的音乐逐渐从酷变成了自由,但相比较Sonic Youth,他们更以Steve Coleman为主。”

“OXYD’s music gradually drifts from cool to free but taking as much Steve Coleman than Sonic Youth as a reference.”

 ——Denis Zorgniotti, Benzine, 2013


“Flowing improvisations, accents in touch with the rhythmic concerns of the times, sensitivity to contemporary rock, roots diving less in the post-bop mainstream than in the questioning of the jazz at the turn of the 70s.”

——Franck Bergerot, Jazz Magazine, 2009


*The project is supported by several cultural organizations in Paris, and by the French Ministry of Culture.

活动详情 Event Info: 

时间/Time: 2018年3月1日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 60(presale)/80(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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