2017 SHAKE THE LAKE International Music Festival 2017舞动湖畔国际音乐节

2023-05-10 14:56:27

Stand by for a weekend of rip-roaring fun from 9 to 10 September 2017 at Yanqi Hotel, managed by Kempinski, where a boogie - woogie, blues and swing extravaganza will be presented, a festival themed to the swinging Beijing of the 1930s era.

On Saturday September 9, a night of Rip-Roaring Fun swing and boogie music night will be a feast for music lovers, who will attend the gala dinner and the following performance. Following Saturday night, the hotel will also invite those artists to join the following Jazz & Boogie Brunch at Waterside on 10 September 2017. Pamper yourself with the superb gourmet brunch and enjoy the authentic live music while overlooking the beautiful Yanqi Lake. 

SHAKE THE LAKE International Music Festival is a traditional concert created in Austria that dates back to 1995, which features pulsating live boogie-woogie, swing and jazz music. It is “much more than a concert” and certainly the most authentic and one of the largest European boogie festivals. We successfully brought this event to Beijing, Yanqi Lake in 2016. The musicians from all over the world have been invited to perform here.

The Shake the Lake Night will feature the original line-up and orchestration of the unique International Boogie Music Festival from Austria. It brings a highly acclaimed ensemble of charismatic and outstanding musicians who have performed around the world at prestigious festivals as well as gigs at top venues in major cities. 

Life is shaking - and water is the origin of life. The lake Wolfgangsee, the original place of the music festival, is known as the “source of happiness”, from which life energy comes. Since 1995, it has been the home of the Shake the Lake spirit. “The Lake” is therefore the motto of the festival, and the focus is on special “lakeside sessions”, while as the beautiful scenic site, the Yanqi Lake, located at the foot of Yanshan Mountains, 8 km north of Huairou County, is a perfect destination to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, with the philosophy of Shake the Lake, at Yanqi Lake being “Let the good times roll and keep shaking here!”

When the best musicians come from around the world, it is a feast for music lovers. Tinkling the keys of the two Feurich grand pianos are Richie Loidl and Johnny Schütten, both proponents and creators of the authentic Shake the Lake festival in Austria. They present their Austrian piano-friend Christoph Steinbach - “Boogie Wolf” - a very ingenious pianist and singer, being said to play faster than his shadow. Headline star of the concert is Martin Schmitt from Munich, Germany, who is considered to be one of the most multitalented piano entertainers in Europe. “The voice” is represented by Jade Lee from China, a versatile, charismatic, professional jazz singer. Christoph Buhse on drums, Peter Strutzenberger on double bass, Christoph Kronreif on saxophone and Gernot Haslauer on trombone will support the show as a groovy rhythm section.

“The success of the first Swing & Boogie Music Night SHAKE THE LAKE International Music Festival last year was definitely a memorable occasion for friends and family to spend their weekend in such a wonderful place. So dig out your glad rags and dust off your dancing shoes in preparation for a swinging night at Yanqi Island in 2017!” says Brice Péan, General Manager of Sunrise Kempinski Hotel, Beijing & Yanqi Island.

“Guests are encouraged to get in the mood with a 1930s dress code of glamour and sophistication. The ladies might like to consider feather boas and a cute hat, while the gentlemen need look no further than a white scarf and perhaps a silver-tipped cane,” Péan adds with a smile, but assures us that guests are not obliged to be so extravagant. 

*9 September at Yanqi Hotel, Swing & Boogie Night + Four Course Dinner starts from RMB 788

Tel: 69618888 



SHAKE THE LAKE舞动湖畔国际音乐节,1995年发源于世界音乐之城-奥地利。美丽的沃尔夫冈湖,一直被人们誉为“快乐的源泉”,是生命能量之源。灵动的湖水,如舞动的音符闪烁流淌,使热爱生活的几位音乐家由此生产灵感,将象征生命之水与布鲁斯蓝调音乐完美的结合,于是“SHAKE THE LAKE”舞动湖畔国际音乐节就此拉开了序幕,“湖水-音乐-生命”便成为经久延续的主题。音乐节围绕“湖水”展开,以充满律动的蓝调爵士乐表演及摇摆舞会为主要内容,不仅成为众多世界级音乐家演出与狂欢的聚集地,更是名流、富商等高端人士每年的重要聚会之一。经过数届发展,SHAKE THE LAKE舞动湖畔国际音乐节早已成为欧洲最盛大的爵士音乐节之一。

让快乐在这里延续,生命在这里舞动!雁栖酒店(由凯宾斯基酒店集团管理)将为您带来一段全新的精彩体验。风景秀丽的雁栖湖位于京郊怀柔城北8公里处的燕山脚下,得天独厚的地理位置与自然风光,再配以雁栖酒店“天人合一”、融于自然的风格建筑及专业的现代化服务设施,不仅完美诠释了SHAKE THE LAKE舞动湖畔国际音乐节“湖水-音乐-生命”的精髓,更使音乐节提升了一个新的高度,一切都将这里升华。




本届音乐节将由SHAKE THE LAKE 舞动湖畔国际音乐节的最强演出阵容为您精彩演绎,包括SHAKE THE LAKE创始人等9位杰出世界著名的音乐家、全球各地顶级爵士乐晚会的主演嘉宾等都将莅临现场,为您呈现一场原汁原味的布鲁斯音乐与摇摆盛宴。 其中:闻名遐迩的两位钢琴家Richie Loidl和Johnny Schutten, 是SHAKE THE LAKE舞动湖畔国际音乐节的发起者和创始人;来自德国慕尼黑的Martin Schmitt被誉为欧洲最有才华的艺术家之一,是本届音乐节的招牌艺术家;Christoph Steinbach被人们赋予“演奏速度快于其影子的创造性钢琴家和音乐家”,有着“摇摆之狼” 的美誉; 来自中国的歌手李婕,是一位多才多艺的专业爵士歌手;鼓手Christoph Buhse、低音提琴手Peter Strutzenberger、萨克斯乐手Christoph Kronreif和长号手Gernot Haslauer将组合成为本届音乐节的绝妙节奏乐器组。此外,还有诸多国内著名音乐家、艺术家、名人等莅临本届音乐节,与京城各界精英、名流一同度过一个美好与难忘的布鲁斯风情之夜。

“第一届成功举办的音乐会是一场令人难忘的艺术盛会,更是与家人和朋友欢乐相聚、尽情开怀的最佳场合!让我们挑选喜爱的舞服, 穿上华丽的舞鞋,一起期待2017年的这场盛会!"我们鼓励客人穿上30年代爵士风情的舞服,炫出魅力与醉人风情。" 北京日出东方凯宾斯基酒店&雁栖岛总经理Brice Péan说道。“女士们可以搭配羽毛披肩和可爱的帽子, 男士们可以手拄一根银色的尖头拐杖。”Péan微笑着补充道。


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