【预告】09/08-09丨EIGHT CLUB · PROJECT N .F .S 欧美尖峰金属乐团强势来袭!

2023-05-10 14:56:27

P R O J E C T  N .F .S

 欧 美 尖 峰 金 属  乐 团 

09/08-09 Friday, Saturday 2017 

# 最 为 纯 正 的 欧 式 EDM #

【 8 号 夜 店 】EIGHT CLUB

演 绎 极 致 的 视 听 盛 宴

丨2010年被DMITRY SHESTAKOV发现的女子组合

丨由俄国好声音YAYA、英国DJ N0YA、吉他手STAS、艳星NANI组成


丨出版了“ETNA音乐集”与“NEED FOR SPEED音乐集”

The women's group discovered by DMITRY SHESTAKOV in 2010

It consists of good sound, YAYA, DJ, N0YA, guitarist STAS, and porn star NANI

The main features are hot, fashionable, fashionable, atmosphere and temptation

Published the "ETNA music collection" and "NEED FOR SPEED music collection""

本组合出版了“ETNA音乐集”与“NEED FOR SPEED音乐集”。而且还出版了5个无线电的音乐,在TOP一百这些3个音乐中排名第一。本组合同时参与多个POP-ROCK,EUPOP,BREYK BIT, ELECTRO POP,ELECTRO HOUSE音乐种类的活动。

This collection publishes the ETNA music collection and the NEED FOR SPEED music collection". It also published 5 radio music, ranking first in the TOP one hundred, among the 3. This portfolio also participates in multiple POP-ROCK, EUPOP, BREYK, BIT, ELECTRO, POP, ELECTRO, and HOUSE music categories.


N.F.S project: 是有名的4人女子音乐组合,2010年被DMITRY SHESTAKOV发现了女子组合

NFS is currently active in China's best foreign portfolio. The most powerful SHOW, the most ROCK sound!N.F.S project: is a famous 4 women's musical composition, and was discovered by DMITRY SHESTAKOV in 2010

N.F.S project: 由俄国好声音YAYA、英国有名DJ N0YA、乌克兰靓丽吉他手STAS、艳星NANI组成的极品天团,热辣、时尚、新潮、大气、诱惑。

N.F.S project: by the Russian sound YAYA, the British famous DJ N0YA, Ukraine beautiful guitarist STAS, NANI stars composed of the best days of the group, hot, fashionable, trendy, atmosphere, temptation.

N.F.S project女团席卷EIGHT CLUB


英国有名DJ N0YA



N.F.S project women's team swept EIGHT CLUB

Good Russian sound, YAYA

The UK is known as DJ N0YA

Beautiful guitar player STAS

Porn star NANIacrobatic silk hanger

P  R  O  J  E  C  T


09/08-09 Friday, Saturday 2017


 Eastern Europe N·F·S TEAM 


品质  时尚  前卫   轻奢

“您 身 边 的 快 乐 缔 造 者”




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