9/9中国硬摇滚翘楚 |不速之客| 在|大理 · 核屏Livehouse| 与你们玩一场关于摇滚乐的危险游戏,都准备好了吗?

2023-05-10 14:56:27


不速之客 | LOS CRASHER | 新专辑全国巡演

9月9日| 晚8:30 | 大理·核屏Livehouse



Los Crasher(不速之客)是一支成立于2010年5月的硬摇滚乐队。音乐上以蓝调硬摇滚为根基,从早期的根源摇滚、尤其是70-80年代的传统摇滚中汲取营养,将Sleazy、Glam、Punk等元素和情绪完美融入其作品中,从他们身上仿佛可以看到诸如Led Zeppelin、Hanoi Rocks、和80年代洛杉矶那批经典摇滚乐队的身影。成军以来一直以其纯粹的态度、经典摇滚的审美取向、和过硬的作品吸引了众多听众。闪烁糜烂的华丽主义取向,野性奔放的舞台表现,他们代表的就是黄金时代的摇滚乐,性感、疯狂而纯粹!

经过七年的发展,已经成为中国最具国际水准的硬摇滚乐队之一。在早期发行了两张EP专辑后,立刻征服了国内众多口味刁钻的死硬派摇滚乐迷,并且影响了一批硬摇滚新军在各地组建起来。经过四年的沉淀和蜕变,乐队完成了阵容的升级,并创作了首张全长同期录音室专辑《Game Face》,堪称中国首张最具国际水准的硬摇滚专辑!

【新专辑“Game Face”简介】


专辑筹划近四年,在2016年新主唱Kubin加入后,不到一年的时间就和乐队成员完成了整张专辑的创作。这13首新歌,风格多元丰满,涵盖了摇滚乐早期布鲁斯、硬摇滚、南方摇滚、朋克金属等多种经典元素,从创作上可以算是整个摇滚乐黄金时代的缩影。专辑中既有LC标志性的Punk型躁歌《Solo Ride Till I Die》、《Evil Shot》,也有铿锵有力、酣畅淋漓的热血摇滚《Trash Crash Rock N’ Roll》,放荡不羁、编曲复杂的《Tricky Boys Back In Town》、《No One Can Save Me 》。专辑同名歌曲《Game Face》更是把硬摇滚、朋克、布鲁斯、 FUNK、传统金属融合在了一起。乐队还创作了南方摇滚风格的《The Lone Ranger》, Jimmy Page式的十二弦吉他的运用更为这首歌增光添彩。除了躁动的摇滚乐,还有两首Power Ballad抒情慢歌《When I Miss You(Nobody Knows)》和《Times Have Changed》,后者更是首次尝试钢琴和弦乐的运用,。

2017《Game Face》“游戏嘴脸”新专辑全国巡演即将拉开帷幕,这帮混蛋们会用事实告诉大家,他们从未磨灭棱角,依旧狂放不羁、也不会收敛面对俗世的不屑和刻薄,这是一场关于摇滚乐的危险游戏,你准备好了吗?








大理 · 和平饭店PeaceHotel





ABaBa Bar(人民路中段|广武路28号)


Taste Market ( 叶榆路93号)

Beer and Snacks(床单厂艺术区-苍坪街50号)

RockArmy青年旅舍 (大理龙龛村4组57号)

大理学院特别合作 :


| 华音琴行音乐培训 |




There are rarely bands in Chinese rock history that are so close to the altar of Western rock and roll in the golden age, which is the essence of the pure age of rock music when the universe is tremble for it, whether it is shape, music, or attitude, aesthetic. This album has both heritage and tribute, as well as transcendence and innovation! They will carry the banner of classic rock and roll, and create a mushroom cloud in today's Chinese rock territory!

[Band Introduction]

Los Crasher is a hard rock band founded in May 2010. Setting the blues hard rock as the foundation of music, they extract nutrition from the early roots rock, especially the traditional rock and roll in 70s-80s. They integrate elements such as Sleazy, Glam, Punk, and emotions into their work perfectly, from them we can see figures, such as Led Zeppelin, Hanoi Rocks, and the classic rock band in Los Angeles in 80s. Since their formation, they have attracted a large number of listeners with their pure attitude, classic rock aesthetic orientation, and excellent works. With flickering and dissipated flamboyant orientation, wild and unrestrained stage performance, what they represent is the rock and roll in the golden age, sexy, crazy and pure!

Los Crasher founded in the summer of 2010, has become one of the hard rock band with the most international standard in China after seven years of development. The band released two EP albums in the early days, and immediately conquered many hard rock fans with tricky taste in China, and resulted that a number of new hard rock bands set up from place to place. After four years of precipitation and transformation,  the band has completed the lineup upgrade, and created the first full-length studio album "Game Face", rated China's first international standard hard rock album!

[Introduction of New Album "Game Face"]

After issuing two prestigious EP albums in succession from 2012 to 2013, Los Crasher experienced a period of lineup adjustment and creation, and finally launched their first full-length album in the many expectations in the summer of 2017. This is an ambitious album accumulating steadily. The band used simultaneous recording, a challenging way, to record 13 new songs, and strive to restore the most classic sound of rock and roll.

The album has been planning for nearly four years. after the new singer Kubin joined in 2016, he and the band members completed the creation of the album in less than a year. The style of these 13 new songs is multiple, covering the early Bruce of rock music, hard rock, Southern rock, punk metal and other classic elements, which can be regarded as the epitome of the golden age of rock and roll in the view of creation. There are both manic songs "Solo Ride Till I Die", "Evil Shot" with landmark Punk type of LC, and forceful, hearty dripping hot rock, "Trash Crash Rock N 'Roll", uninhibited " Tricky Boys Back In Town "," No One Can Save Me " with complex arranger. The title track of their album, "Game Face", mixes hard rock, punk, blues, FUNK, traditional metal together. The band also created "The Lone Ranger" in the type of South rock, and the use of Jimmy Page’s twelve-string guitar adds lustre to this song. In addition to restless rock and roll, there are two lyrical slow songs "When I Miss You (Nobody Knows)" and "Times Have Changed" of Power Ballad, the latter is the first time to attempt to use the piano and string, a epic hymn up to 7 minutes long.

2017 "Game Face", the new album national tour, will be kicked off. They will tell you with the truth that they have never worn away their edges and corners, they are still uninhibited, and they will not restrain themselves in the face of the disdain and harsh. This is a dangerous game about rock and roll, are you ready?





Network pre-sale : scan the below QR-code to buy tickets


#You can buy advance tickets from any merchant of the below#

大理 · 和平饭店PeaceHotel





ABaBa Bar(人民路中段|广武路28号)


Taste Market ( 叶榆路93号)

Beer and Snacks(床单厂艺术区-苍坪街50号)

RockArmy青年旅舍 (大理龙龛村4组57号)

大理学院特别合作 :


| 华音琴行音乐培训 |

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