【早来!售罄不管】西海岸hip hop传奇人物 Egyptian Lover空降DADA!

2023-05-10 14:56:27


It's going to sell out, so COME EARLY!

如果你热爱节奏,并认为自己是一个真正的Hip Hop乐迷,尤其是老派Hip Hop,或者你对早期Electro和Techno感兴趣,那么这绝对将是一场你来了high翻天,错过拍大腿的演出!

西海岸hip hop传奇人物Egyptian Lover将在Dada用最原始的节奏最躁动的flow;集说唱,打碟,甚至是舞蹈为一体的演出,侵袭你的大脑与四肢,带你回到 hip hop的黄金年代



西海岸hip hop传奇人物

Egyptian Lover

Door 门票:午夜12点前100,之后130

100RMB before midnight, 130RMB after

DADA Shanghai

以其独特的音乐性格闻名于圈内外的 Egyptian Lover 并非来自埃及,而是一名出生并常驻于洛杉矶的音乐人。集说唱歌手、音乐制作人和DJ多重身份于一体的他,是80年代西海岸Hip Hop、Gangsta rap的传奇先锋人物之一,被称为电子Funk教父。其后成功的DJ生涯也对Electro和Techno等领域产生了深远影响。而他充满魅力的声线和节奏,能轻易挑逗你的欲望,麻痹你的神经,催眠你的世界。因而“Lover”这个称号,必然算是名至实归了。

视频:The Egyptian Lover @ Boiler Room 

谈及 Egyptian Lover,不得不提他那独特的嗓音。它拥有豹子一般的低沉沙哑和猫一样的慵懒性感,让人欲罢不能。在他的喃喃低语里,你能听到久经世故的精致老练;在他的尖叫呐喊中,你能感受到不经修饰的纯真无邪。他有时是巧舌如簧的情场高手,有时又是天真浪漫的大男孩。他的声音是干净的,真挚的,热情的,无拘无束的,充满感染力,让人欲罢不能。






如同他的声线,他的音乐风格也独一无二,激动人心的。明快的电子节奏与抽象的funk wave的生动结合,配合他无与伦比的声线,每首曲子都会带来一次耳内高潮,整个set也必将是一场无与伦比、让你意犹未尽的狂欢。

视频:Egyptian Lover访谈(红牛音乐学院)

在80年代的洛杉矶,音乐才华崭露头角的 Egyptian Lover 与  Uncle Jamm's Army(上世纪80年代洛杉矶的著名的Hip Hop团体,西海岸Hip Hop的鼻祖之一)开始了他的DJ生涯。名噪一时的他曾在洛杉矶体育场为上万名观众演出。作为一名DJ,他致力于在各大音乐节和club推广西海岸的Electro和Funk音乐。1982年,他开始录唱片,发行了多张成功的12英寸黑胶单曲,如《Egypt, Egypt》和《On the Nile》,它们各种mix版本,成为了当时club舞池最叫座的耳朵兴奋剂,也深受霹雳舞者们的热爱。

1994年,闭关后的 Egyptian Lover 重新回到大众的视野,推出了十多年来的第一张完整的个人专辑《Back from the Tomb》。而后,他也成立了自己的唱片公司 Egyptian Empire Records。2008年, 他作为嘉宾DJ 在M.I.A. 的 People vs. Money 巡演上大展拳脚

《Back from the Tomb》


对他来说,Egyptian Lover(埃及恋人)不仅仅是个艺名,更是他的另一重音乐人格。对于这个充满异域风情的名字,他解释说:

我特别喜欢70年代著名爵士、放克乐团Earth, Wind & Fire的专辑封面(他们好多专辑封面都充满了与埃及相关的古老东方文明的意象)。

有一次在旅途中参观古埃及法老图坦卡蒙的陵墓,当我在展览上目睹了这位备受爱戴的年轻法老与他的强盛王国时,就决定称自己为Egyptian Lover,称我的唱片公司Egyptian Empire(埃及王朝)。





早年的他深受早期Electro(如Afrika Bambaataa,Twilight 22和Kraftwerk)以及80年代早期Princesynth-funk的启发。然而他声称,自己唯一的“灵感缪丝”非 Dean Martin 莫属。他说:“Dean Martin是那种典型的‘闻香识女人’式的性感男人。我自己非常沉迷于这种形象,而我想通过Egyptian Lover这一音乐人格所呈现出的也正是类似的性感男人的形象。” Dean Martin那首著名的《Crying time》就经由他改编成为了《I Cry》 (Night After Night)。

说他是西海岸hip hop的先锋者也好,是美国早期Electro的奠基人也罢,早期的嘻哈乐迷和后期的电子乐迷都能从他的音乐中找到耳朵、身体与灵魂的共鸣。

近期,他不仅推出了新的音乐合辑《Anthology 1983-1988》,还与法国制作人Dye合作了一首名为《She's Bad》的曲目,生动诠释了Egyptian Lover美妙绝伦的音乐风格。它的mv也是非常有看点。一起来看看吧:

 视频:《She's Bad》MV 

Written by 陈三

Saturday, March 24 -- Antidote presents EGYPTIAN LOVER【Los Angeles】

Los Angeles native Egyptian Lover is internationally recognized as a pioneer of West Coast hip hop and helped bring electro rap to the masses, while influencing many DJs and MCs in his wake since the early ‘80s. The first West Coast rapper/producer to achieve international success, Egyptian Lover paved the way for the early West Coast hip hop pioneers like Dr Dre, Eazy E, Rodney O, Snoop Dogg, King Tee, among others.

Egyptian Lover got his start compiling electro mixes - Kraftwerk, Prince, Rick James, Zapp – including his own instrumental beats created on the Roland 808 drum machine. The club-ready cassette tape mixes were selling in the thousands.

With his star status rising higher, Egyptian Lover joined hip-hop crew Uncle Jamm’s Army, moving crowds of 10,000 at the LA Sports Arena. In the mid ‘80s, L.A. was the electro rap capital and Egyptian Lover was at the forefront of this new West Coast sound, not only as a performer, but also as label owner of Egyptian Empire Records. His 12” singles sold in the hundreds of thousands around the world – “Egypt/Egypt”, “Dial-A- Freak”, “Girls”, “Freak-A- Holic”.

Since 1984, Egyptian Lover has remained true to his sound by recording on analog equipment, which creates his signature sound. Egyptian Lover’s influence cannot be overstated – not only did he change the face of West Coast hip hop, but also greatly influenced electronic, techno, R&B and pop music to this day.

In 2015, Egyptian Lover has released a new recording album “1984” , which became his eighth album and his first since 2006’s “Platinum Pyramids”. In 2016, Stones Throw Records have teamed up with Egyptian Lover to release an anthology album “Egyptian Lover 1983-1988” (4LP Box set) featuring classic and unreleased tracks taken from his original reel to reel master tapes.

Egyptian Lover has been constantly touring for club and festival shows globally in US, Europe, Australia and Asia, with dynamic style of OG live show (Vinyl DJ + 808 Drum Machine Live + Rap Performance).

------DADA SHANGHAI------
[DADA BAR] 、地下音乐活动场地。

每周一休息, 21点开门, 22点后DJ上台。 

地址: 上海长宁区幸福路115号 (近法华镇路)




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