
2023-05-10 14:56:27

breaking your heart was never my intention
playing with parts too fragile in the ending
we have become alien
we have become alien
give me a song that weighs a ton
we have become alien
stop and we start, asking all the questions
raising alarm, a symptom of the tension
though we're unarmed, we fumble through the trenches
taking apart all that we invented
we have become alien
we have become alien
give me a song that weighs a ton
we have become alien
we played the part til comfort's gone
and now the only language is loss
the language of loss
we have become alien
we have become alien
give me a song that weighs a ton
we have become alien

他是一个美国的创作人,1974年出生於美国Nashville的Cary Brothers特别的喜欢Britpop,并且是从小的时候

就爱上英国的音乐,从小接受著the Cure和the Smiths的音乐的影响,幼儿时崇拜猫王Elvis Presley,在童年时期转而聆听八零年代末期的独立音乐,11到13岁学习钢琴之后转向弹奏吉他,那那时候拥有的第一把吉他也还是他现在创作时不可或缺的最好伙伴在自己发行专辑前则一直对Coldplay和U2有很大兴趣与青睐。Cary Brothers在做歌手前,是一位优秀的电影原声制作人。  不同於其他音乐人的成名之路,他的音乐不是透过广播电台播送,而是与电视电影的结合,把Cary Brothers创作的优美音乐渐渐的让人知晓。也许你不认识Cary Brothers,但是也许你是美国影集《实习医生风云 Scrubs》、《超人前传 Smallville》、《急诊室的春天ER》的忠实观众,那你应该就听过Cary Brothers的作品。

Cary Brothers跃上世界舞台的成名曲《Blue Eyes》收录於电影《Garden State情归纽泽西》中,此电影原声带获得了05年葛台美奖最佳电影音乐原声带奖!而《Ride》原收录於06年电影《The Last Kiss终情之吻》电影原声带中,此曲更获得Tiesto提雅斯多的青睐将之混音而介绍到欧洲的电音舞台!

Cary Brothers制作理念很自由,很轻松。他的音乐有容易上耳的流行旋律,也有很简单朴素的吉他民谣歌曲。 不论是流行的旋律还是简单的民谣都带著Cary Brothers所要诉说的情感。



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