5.11 | 混凝草音乐节呈现: 吉他摇滚守护神 - The Cribs

2023-05-10 14:56:27

·  被《Q》杂志称为英国最受狂热崇拜的乐队

·  2016年混凝草音乐节完成首次中国亮相
·  一次为中国粉丝准备的特别巡演(还有特别周边!)

The Cribs为你准备的一段留言

Concrete & Grass混凝草音乐节呈现

The Cribs 中国巡演

上海 Shanghai @ Modern Sky LAB

5月11日 | Fri 11 May

w/ Dirty Fingers 脏手指

 *门票即将开售  Tickets Open Soon


他们在2016年混凝草音乐节上惊艳亮相,为大家呈现了一场狂放而令人兴奋的表演。现在,他们将重返中国,用最具激情的独立朋克乐曲冲击你的耳膜,感染你和他们一起合唱狂欢。此次,The Cribs将走得更深、更远——他们将展开四城巡演

关于他们,你该了解这些:虽然在全球拥有狂热粉丝无视,也曾多次在大型音乐节领衔演出,The Cribs仍是一支被极度低估了的乐队。凭借七张优质的专辑,他们已成长为英国最受推崇的独立摇滚教父。他们是power-pop的守护圣徒,用自己的才华持续创造着永恒的热血圣歌。

Hey Scenesters. Hey, hey scenesters!

After a raucous, joyous outing at Concrete & Grass 2016, the New Fellas are coming back to the mainland, bringing with them their delirious, delicious indie punk greatness, and some of music’s greatest sing-along choruses. Four-city tour: they’re going deep.

Things You Should Be Knowing: It’s been long established that the Cribs are criminally misunderstood and massively underrated, despite a huge global fanbase and headlining slots at major festivals. Over seven albums, they’ve become nothing less than the UK's cult indie rock godfathers. The patron saints of power-pop, writing timeless, brilliant, roaring songs. 

当年的地下丝绒没卖出过多少张专辑《独立报》曾经写道,“但每个买了他们专辑的人都组了自己的乐队;而在这点上,The Cribs有点像今天的The Velvet Underground。”

来吧,一起加入这场音乐盛会。周二,58成都 (NU SPACE)周四,510  武汉(VOX)周五,511上海 (摩登天空) 以及周日,513北京 (愚公移山)


“The Velvet Underground never sold that many albums,” The Independent once wrote, “but everyone who did went on to start a band. The Cribs are that sort of band.”

Come on down and get caught up. Tuesday 8th May – Chengdu (NU SPACE). Thursday 10th May  Wuhan (VOX). Friday 11th May – Shanghai (Modernsky Lab) and Sunday 13th May – Beijing (Yugong Yishan). 150RMB presale for CD/WH. 180 RMB at BJ/SH.

2003年,The Cribs凭借永不言败和“DIY”的鲜明态度崭露头角,成为乐坛中一股极为生猛的新生力量,并从此一直保持着无畏的势头。过去的十余年间,他们在最为躁动的现场中洒下无数汗水甚至热血,用自己令人震颤的演出俘获万千歌迷。

The Cribs是品质的保证——出道至今,他们的7张全长专辑无一例外都是精品。如果你去问The Cribs的粉丝,哪张是The Cribs最棒的专辑,结果一定是你俩互不相让争执到天明;从带着power-pop质感的《Men’s Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever》到火力全开满是粗粝法兹的《In the Belly of the Brazen Bull》,这实在是太让人难以抉择!

It’s a Simple Story. The Cribs arrived on the scene in 2003 with a DIY, never-say-die attitude and they’ve not let up since, literally bleeding for the cause at some of the most chaotic and thrilling gigs of the past decade.

10 years in, and they’re incapable of making a bad album. Ask a Cribs fan what their best record is and prepare to argue into the night. From the jangly power pop of Men’s Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever to the full-blown fuzziness of In the Belly of the Brazen Bull

2015年的专辑《For All My Sisters》有着闪亮的流行乐色泽,旋律精巧、动人;而去年发行的第七张专辑《24/7 Rock Star Shit》由乐队与Steve Albini一起录制完成。在这张回归朋克根源的作品中,The Cribs再次展现了他们最迷人的“凌乱美”。



24/7 Rock Star Shit, their seventh full-length, was recorded with Steve Albini, and represents a return to their scrappy punk roots after 2015’s (just-as-good) For All My Sisters, with had a glossy pop sheen.

The brothers Jarman are one of the most energetic and passionate groups in British music, with the no-frills attitude and punk-rock ethos to match. Their integrity and spontaneity has been a shining beacon of hope in a hyper-commercial industry. A sign, if more were needed, that these three were special:

"We never wanted to be rock stars – that was always the anathema and it were never a virtue to be like that. The people that wanted to be rock stars were always the ones you laughed at. We have always believed in sincerity, humility and being honest."


本年度的第一场混凝草音乐节预热演出——The Cribs重返中国,我们已经等不及了!

There’s going to be big choruses, hand waves and screams for more. Morse-code guitar riffs, new-wave drum beats and thick-accented shout-speak. Some of the most memorable lyrics in indie-punk history.

We can’t wait. First Concrete & Grass warmup gig this year. The Cribs are back in China. 

Photos:杨枪枪,Metal Mickey,李乐为

Concrete & Grass混凝草音乐节呈现

The Cribs


上海 Shanghai

2018年5月11日 | May 11

周五 Fri | 20:00

w/ Dirty Fingers 脏手指

场地 Venue:Modern Sky LAB


Address: 3/F, 188 Ruihong Lu,near Tianhong Lu

票价 Tickets: 180 RMB (Presale) / 220 RMB (Door)


Tickets Open Soon

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