在摇摆舞之前有什么舞?之二 Early Partnered Jazz Dances part 2

2023-05-10 14:56:27

有没有想过,在我们现在跳的摇摆舞(lindy hop)之前,美国爵士时代的人们跳着什么样的舞?这其中又有什么舞影响了摇摆舞的形成呢?下面就给大家介绍一下!


Part II - Charleston & Breakaway

第二部分:查尔斯顿 & Breakaway

The beginning of 20th century was called Jazz Age for a good reason. Not only was this the beginning and developing of Jazz music, but also everyone loved to dance back then! Dances of that time were pretty simple, and the music is very joyful, which made it easy for anyone to have fun dancing! Ragtime & Dixieland was the popular music of that time. Everyone was crazy about those upbeat tunes that wouldn't let you sit still.

美国的二十世纪初期当之无愧的被我们称为“爵士时代”,爵士乐在这段时间崛起,人们也开始热衷于跳交际舞,这时候的舞步都比较简单,音乐十分欢快,所以任何人都可以很快就开始享受舞蹈的乐趣。1910-1920年代最最流行的音乐就是Ragtime 和 Dixieland音乐,作为最早期的爵士乐,这是一种专门为舞者演奏的音乐,听了会让人忍不住动起来!来听一个例子吧:

One of the most popular dances of the 1920s was Charleston. This was the dance craze of those years! Everybody did the Charleston, solo or with a partner. It was the new style, very much representing the spirit of the decade


If Charleston was the Grandfather of Lindy Hop, the Father would be the Breakaway. This was a form of Charleston that was danced in the late 20s. Dancers would not just stay in close position or dance solo in front of each other. They would break away from each other for just a moment to get back into close, to make this new dynamic movements. This was revolutionary and this is where Swingout takes its roots.

现在,查尔斯顿算是摇摆舞的一部分,可它其实早于摇摆舞lindy hop。若说查尔斯顿舞是摇摆舞的祖父,20年代末出现的Breakaway就是摇摆舞的父亲。Breakaway有“脱离,分离出去”的意思。在传统的查尔斯顿里,舞伴要么面对面跳单人舞,要么相拥在close position中,而跳Breakaway时,舞伴们会分开一瞬间,然后回到close position中。随着爵士乐的进化和改变,舞蹈也在发生变化,当爵士乐的节奏不那么紧凑时,舞者有了更多时间与舞伴分开,Breakaway的分开动作便逐渐演变成了我们今天熟悉的swingout。摇摆舞大使Frankie Manning说过,Breakaway是直接影响lindy hop形成的舞蹈之一。

We invite everyone to take a part in historical recreation of that era by learning and dancing these exciting jazz dances on June 28th! 学习这些早期舞蹈可以加深我们对摇摆舞的精华部分的了解,6月28号,来和我们一起学习这些复古爵士舞吧!

On that day Ian & Leru will teach a full 1 h Peabody & Foxtrot class at Cat's Corner (no dance experience needed).

6月28日,Leru和Ian老师会在猫角工作室教一个小时的Peabody 和 狐步舞。不需要任何舞蹈经验即可加入!

12:30-13:30 Peabody & Foxtrot (open level)

13:40-14:40 Charleston (open level)

14:50-15:50 Breakaway (Level 1+)

Price for 1 class: 60 RMB

Price for all 3 classes: 150 RMB

12:30-13:30 Peabody & 狐步 (零基础)

13:40-14:40 查尔斯顿(零基础)

14:50-15:50 Breakaway (Level 1+)

1堂课费用: 60 元

3堂课费用: 150 元

After that you can go to Modernista and dance it on the social dance floor, like they did it back in Jazz Age! Dress up in the 1920s style and come to enjoy Ragtime & Dixieland music and dance all night along with Jazz Age performances by Swing Beijing! FREE ENTRY, 8 PM.




44 Baochao Hutong (near Gulou Dongdajie).

宝钞胡同 44号,鼓楼东大街

Swing Beijing

摇摆北京是国内最大的摇摆舞集结地之一,提供以Swing dance为主的Jazz-era舞蹈教学、培训、演出服务。摇摆北京致力于在全国推广Jazz-era的文化,并为广大的爵士音乐、舞蹈爱好者提供一个交流交友的平台。
北京市朝阳区东三环中路25号住总大厦 B203

010 - 6506 - 3168



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