
2023-05-10 14:56:27

策 划 人 的 话

C U R A T O R S '   W O R D S

爵士演奏家Eric Dolphy曾经说过,音乐从他的气息里吹出来,经过他的萨克斯传递出去,然后就消失了。







策 划 人  /   滕 斐   涂 飞

C u r a t o r s   /   T e n g   F e i ,   T u   F e i

阵容预览 Line-up Quick View

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All concerts will be held in B10 Live unless noted otherwise

Erik Kimestad Pedersen - 小号 Trumpet
Ingimar Andersen - 萨克斯 Saxophones
Petter Hängsel - 长号 Trombone
Kristian Tangvik - 大号 Tuba
Jeppe Zeeberg - 钢琴 Piano
Nicolai Kaas Claesson - 低音提琴 Double Bass
Rune Lohse - 鼓 Drums

Horese Orchestra是现代北欧爵士音乐圈中一支重要的新生力量。他们将爵士传统的部分与突破性的现代音乐实验相结合,随兴所至地发挥,这一刻他们纵情于20年代的新奥尔良曲目,下一刻又醉心于60年代的芝加哥爵士,同时还施以其音乐个性化的独创笔触。

Horse Orchestra is an important new band on the modern Nordic jazz scene. This band consists of young musicians who have no respect for conventions. One moment they may plunge into New Orleans compositions from the 1920’s, and the next moment jazz from 1960’s Chicago, playing both styles with equal conviction – while at the same time adding to the music a personal and original touch.

Sébastien Texier - 中音萨克斯 Alto Saxophone / 单簧管 Clarinet / 中音单簧管 Alto Clarinet
François Corneloup - 上低音萨克斯 Baritone Saxophone
Louis Moutin - 鼓 Drums
Henri Texier - 低音提琴 Double Bass

法国贝斯大师Henri Texier的音乐之路,可谓是欧洲爵士音乐人之中最具标志性也最丰富多彩的。作为一代人的标杆,这位充满自信与实验精神的低音提琴手创造了许多奇迹。他所占据的关键角色没有人可以替代——他是音乐冒险中不知疲倦的催化剂,能够把各方的创意能量凝聚在一起。

Ledgendary French bassist Henri Texier's path is called the most symbolic and the richest of the European Jazz musicians. Symbol of a generation who has done wonders for the self-confidence and eager for experiment, the double bassist was the inexhaustible catalyst of musical adventures, occupying a determining role – by his capacity to federate the creative energies.

Igal Mizrahi - 人声 Vocals / 打击乐 Percussions
Ben Aylon - Djeli N’goni / 打击乐 Percussions
Ian Aylon - 吉他 Guitar
Hilla Epstein - 大提琴 Cello


Gualaza’s music is an exploration of the hidden and fascinating world of Yemenite Women and African culture. Yemen and Africa are separated by sea. Gulaza is an expression of that sea – a sea of despair, prayer, passion, dance, love and longing for freedom.

Eyal Talmudi - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 单簧管 Clarinet / 风笛 Bagpipes
Roy Chen - 鼓 Drums


Malox's music can be labeled under jazz, polka, and even alternative rock, and includes raw danceable yet complex compositions, playful improvisations and catchy tunes. The virtuoso musicianship that just these two people can create onstage, is remarkable.

Giovanni Guidi - 钢琴 Piano
Francesco Ponticlli - 低音提琴 Double Bass
Cristiano Calcagnile - 鼓 Drums

在与Gianluca Petrella搭档,以及与Enrico Rava从PM Jazz Lab到Tribe的长期合作之外,Guidi个人还领导着多个项目。2007年,他当选意大利杂志《Musica Jazz》评选的“最佳新人”。2013年,他在著名厂牌ECM旗下以乐队领导身份发布了首个三重奏作品。今年秋天,他的新专辑也将由ECM发行。

Besides the partnership with Gianluca Petrella and the long time collaboration with Enrico Rava from PM Jazz Lab to Tribe, Guidi is the leader of several groups. His first album as leader released by the prestigious ECM label is dated 2013. On Autumn 2016 will be released a new ECM album “Ida Lupino”.

邓博宇 Deng Boyu - 鼓 Drums
李星 Li Xing - 吉他 Guitar
老丹 Lao Dan - 中国竹笛 Dizi / 唢呐 Suona / 萨克斯 Saxophone / PVC自制吹管 PVC Homemade Blowpipe


Red Scarf has not only its own unique way to interpret sound, space, structure and improvised form, but also characteristic way to perform instruments. Emphasizing expression of diverse emotional details of themselves with a taste of punk, the musicians bring out plump tension through their music.

Mats Gustafsson - 上低音萨克斯 Baritone Saxophone / 次中音萨克斯 Tenor Saxophone
Ingebrigt Håker Flaten - 低音提琴 Double Bass / 贝斯 Bass
Paal Nilssen-Love - 鼓 Drums


The Thing is one of the most important European jazz groups, playing a variety of compositions. "The sheer power they generate from wood, metal, breath and muscle is stunning." - BBC

Malika Tirolien - 人声 Vocals / 钢琴 Piano
Philippe L’Allier - 吉他 Guitar
Mark Haynes - 贝斯 Bass
Jean-Michel Frédéric - 键盘 Keyboards
Jahsun - 鼓 Drums


All of her life’s influences can be felt as Malika moves from Carribean vocals and rhythms from her native Guadeloupe to soul and jazz, to urban Montreal’s take on hip-hop. Delicate and precise, Malika’s universal voice is clear and compelling throughout.

Daniele Martini - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 打击乐 Percussions
Fabiano Marcucci - 贝斯 Bass / 效果器 Effects
Marco Di Gasbarro - 鼓 Drums / 打击乐 Percussion


Crooked and grooving riffs, polyrhythmic percussion layers will drive you back and forth, from a Brazilian favela to the east-side of Rome, from Lagos to Brussels. The result is one of the freshest and most enjoyable proposals from the explosive experimental/jazzcore scene of Rome: three musicians from the closed in a garage for hours, creating extemporary compositions in the name of Afro-Latin music

*本场为旧天堂书店免费演出  Free concert at Old Heaven Books
Daniele Martini - 次中音萨克斯 Tenor Saxophone / 电子设备 Electronics

Daniele Martini对技术扩展和萨克斯与电子设备的交互效果进行了深入的研究——从调制过的带效果的萨克斯声,到扩音器的反馈嚣叫,他使用所有可能的素材来进行即兴创作。

With his cutting-edge solo project he displays a deep research of extended techniques and interaction of the saxophone with electronics, Daniele Martini uses anything from the modulated sounds of the saxophone with effects to the amp’s feedback as timbres to create instant composition. 

Michael Arbenz - 钢琴 Piano    
Thomas Lähns - 低音提琴 Double Bass
Florian Arbenz - 鼓 Drums


VEIN is a stupendous musical togetherness, packed with surprising melodic, rhythmic and dynamic turns, played with highest precision even in the most complex, distorted and twisted passages of their compositions, arrangements and solos.

Jaron Freeman-Fox - 小提琴 Violin 
John Williams - 单簧管 Clarinet
Anh Tram Phung - 手风琴 Accordion
Alan Mackie - 低音提琴 Double Bass 
Steven Foster - 鼓 Drums

Jaron Freeman-Fox游刃有余地游走在美妙与荒诞的微妙边界,颠覆了小提琴的传统,并重新定义了小提琴所能之事。The Opposite of Everything则将JFF既复杂又精致的作曲转化为具有强烈感染力的狂欢派对。

Contorting the violin into new traditions, Jaron Freeman-Fox dances down the fine line between the beautiful and the ridiculous, while redefining what the violin can do. The Opposite of Everything transform Freeman-Fox’s intricate compositions into an infectious party.

Kandy Guira - 人声 Voice
Davy Honnet - 打击乐 Percussions
Colin Laroche de Féline - 吉他 Guitar


Originally from Burkina Faso, Kandy Guira is a young singer with a voice natural and pure. She developed the most of her talents in singing and musical expression. So many influences give her music an astonishing richness.

Richard Underhill - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 人声 Vocals 
Perry White - 萨克斯 Saxophone/ 人声 Vocals
Kelly Jefferson - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 人声 Vocals
George Koller - 低音提琴 Double Bass / 人声 Vocals
Stich Wynston - 鼓 Drums / 人声 Vocals

如果你看到这样一支乐队:三个奇装异服却技艺精湛的萨克斯手,一个疯狂舞蹈的鼓手,再加上一个杀伤力极强的低音提琴手,唱着关于巴士、蟑螂和冰球的歌,表演时有一半时间是待在观众堆里的……那么不用怀疑,他们就是The Shuffle Demons!

What do you get when you cross three amazing saxophonists dressed in wacky clothes, a crazy dancing drummer and a killer upright bass player and have them sing songs about buses, roaches and hockey and spend half of their time playing in the audience? The Shuffle Demons, that's what!

Sinne Eeg - 人声 Vocals
Jacob Christoffersen - 钢琴 Piano
Lennart Ginman - 低音提琴 Double Bass
Andreas Svendsen - 鼓 Drums

无论是美国经典爵士曲目还是她的原创作品,Sinne Eeg都能以自己极具个性、独树一帜的风格进行演绎。她的嗓音成熟稳健、情绪饱满,虽然朴素低调却相当有征服力。她是一位极有天赋的歌手。也正是这种天赋,和她低沉浑厚的嗓音,引领她一步步走向乐坛顶峰。

Sinne’s interpretations of American jazz classics and her own original songs are personalized in a highly unique way. Her vocal style is mature, intense, slightly understated and yet very ambitious, and not least, extremely talented. It is this talent and her dark, sonorous vocals that are taking Sinne all the way to the top.

Denis Péan - 主唱 Lead Vocals / 键盘 Keyboards
Nadia Nid El Mourid - 人声 Voice / 打击乐 Percussions
Yamina Nid El Mourid - 人声 Voice / 打击乐 Percussions / 高音萨克斯 Soprano Saxophone / Kamele N’goni
Alexandre Cochennec - 低音提琴 Double Bass / 贝斯 Bass
Richard Bourreau - 小提琴 Violin / Imzad
Baptiste Brondy - 鼓 Drums


This angelic French tribe has been roving the world with its heterogeneous and eclectic musical luggage for 25 years already. Not a band, rather a caravan, a collective of incorrigible globe-trotters, open to every experience and every encounter, taking you from savannas to deserts, meadows to asphalt roads; there would be sunrays and dust clouds, rain effluvia, fire scents and spicy flavors, ululations, fiestas and bivouacs; not a junk of sounds, no, rather a great acoustic souk.

吉田达也 Yoshida Tatsuya - 鼓 Drums
那须野满 Nasuno Motsuru - 贝斯 Bass
木户夏树 Kido Natsuki - 吉他 Guitar


Korekyojinn is a progressive-jazz-rock band determined to redefine the polyrhythmic ensemble. The trio dance on razors, are sharp as tacks, and their overwhelming ability jettisons them into the outer limits, where progressive rock and contemporary jazz collide into a breathtaking, futuristic, hard rock funk.

Rebecca Sneddon - 萨克斯 Saxophone
Colin Stewart - 贝斯 Bass
Paul Archibald - 鼓 Drums


Free Nelson Mandoomjazz is a trio of musicians originally from Scotland, whose signature sound is a unique mixture of jazz from the 50’s, free jazz from the late 60’s, elements of baroque and classical chamber music and doom rock/metal.

Fabian Kallerdahl - 钢琴 Piano
Michael Edlund - 鼓 Drums
Josef Kallerdahl - 低音提琴 Double Bass


MMM has become widely acclaimed for their refreshing lack of respect, humoristic features and intimate live performances and has reached out to audiences far beyond the traditional borders of jazz music. After 12 years of groundbreaking music MMM has established the trio as something of an institution in Swedish jazz.

闵小芬 Min Xiaofen - 琵琶 Pipa / 中阮 Ruan / 人声 Vocals
吴巍 Wu Wei - 笙 Sheng / 装置二胡 Repatur Erhu / 人声 Vocals
徐凤霞 Xu Fengxia - 三弦 Sanxian / 古筝 Guzheng / 人声 Vocals


Three pioneers of contemporary Chinese music, Min Xiaofen, Wu Wei and Xu Fengxia, represents the rapid changes occurring in modern China, standing for openness for experiments and new directions in music, but firmly rooted in traditional Chinese culture. The three of them have gone through intensive studies in ancient Chinese music and have become masters on their respective instruments.

Ganesh Geymeier - 次中音萨克斯风 Tenor Saxophone
Afrika Mkhize - 钢琴 Piano
Ayanda Sikade - 鼓 Drums
Bänz Oester - 低音提琴 Double Bass

The Rainmakers是一支“活在现场”的乐队。南北文化碰撞交融,给乐队带来了无限的可能性,也产出了丰硕的成果。四人的结合亲密无间,在他们之间没有凸显自我的虚华展示,只有将每个人的优势聚合为更强大的力量。

The Rainmakers are therefore undoubtedly a typical live band. The four of them form a close-knit, inseparable unit. They are dealing with a formation in which individual strengths are not showcased in egocentric fashion, but are transformed into a collective energy.

大友良英 Otomo Yoshihide - 吉他 Guitar
芳垣安洋 Yoshigaki Yasuhiro - 鼓 Drums

芳垣安洋生于1959年,日本爵士鼓手/打击乐手,以其作为Altered States和Sights等乐队的创始成员的身份及与作曲家大友良英的合作而为人所知。

Otomo Yoshihide has consistently composed a wide range of music from improvisation to noise music and pop, and his music talent has spread all over the world. He has a successful career as a film score composer and has produced more than 70 movie soundtracks.
Yoshigaki Yasuhiro is Japanese jazz drummer and percussionist. He is known as a founding member of the bands Altered States and Sights, as well as his work with composer Otomo Yoshihide.

Igal Mizrahi - 人声 Vocals / 打击乐 Percussions
Ben Aylon - Djeli N’goni / 打击乐 Percussions
Ian Aylon - 吉他 Guitar
Hilla Epstein - 大提琴 Cello


Mothra is a giant moth, the monstrous God of peace of the Japanese cinema, as a symbol of fragility that can unleash an irrepressible force: the three musicians combine these contrasts through music in a constantly changing that, through mutual listening and improvisation, can be delicate and introspective but also furious and release.

Dragos Chiriac - 键盘 Keyboards
Emmanuelle Proulx - 人声 Vocals / 打击乐 Percussions
Odile Marmet-Rochefort - 人声 Vocals / 键盘 Keyboards
Jessy Caron - 贝斯 Bass

Men I Trust是一支来自加拿大魁北克的Trip-hop/流行电子乐队,由四名成员组成。双女声配置,Odile澄澈有力,Emma脆弱神秘,完美配合,相得益彰。

Men I Trust is a trip-hop/pop-electronic music band originating from Quebec City, Canada. Odile’s voice strikes the audience with its clarity and power while Emma’s more grainy and fragile, both of which blended wonderfully together in the original compositions of Jessy and Dragos.

Sebastian Schunke - 作曲 Composition / 钢琴 Piano
Dan Freeman - 萨克斯 Saxophone
Marcel Krömker - 低音提琴 Double Bass
Diego Pinera - 鼓 Drums

长达12年来,Sebastian Schunke乐团都是国际爵士乐坛上一个充满活力的存在。他总能呈现令人耳目一新的音乐,将现代柏林爵士音乐元素与非洲和拉丁美洲音乐元素完美融合,展现出深广的视野和成熟的思虑。

Since more than 12 years the Sebastian Schunke Group has formed an energetic part of the international jazz scene. Based in Berlin, Sebastian Schunke is one of the young leading jazz composers and pianists worldwide. As a soloist and with his group he always creates a fresh and totally new sound, unifying the modern Berlin jazz with African and Latin American elements.

All lectures and workshop will be held in A3+

主讲人 Speaker:Giacomo Bruzzo
语言 Language:英语 English
现场配有翻译 With English-Chinese interpreter

RareNoiseRecords是一个由策划人Giacomo Bruzzo和音乐家Eraldo Bernocchi联合创办的伦敦独立唱片厂牌,致力于发现和传播最前沿的当代前卫音乐,在尊重和强调与艺术形式的历史关系的同时,保持着开放的态度,而不被关于音乐类型的固有观念所束缚。

Based in London, RareNoiseRecords is an independent record label co-founded by Italian entrepreneur Giacomo Bruzzo and Italian musician and producer Eraldo Bernocchi. The label's mission is to detect and amplify contemporary trends in progressive music, by highlighting their relation to the history of the art-form, while choosing not to be bound by pre-conceptions of genre.The lecture is about how we built a record label in the 21st century by respecting history, detecting contemporary trends in music, and offering glimpses of the future.

主讲人 Speaker:永井明子 Nagai Akiko 
语言 Language:日语 Japanese
现场配有翻译 With Japanese-Chinese interpreter

最初的Rock in Opposition音乐节在1978年3月12日于英国伦敦举办,一批不符合主流音乐厂牌市场价值观念的欧洲前卫摇滚乐队因它而聚集在一起。2011年登陆日本,由永井明子与RIO Japan委员会主理。永井明子已在Disk Union的前卫摇滚部门担任负责人超过10年。
讲座中,永井明子将介绍她从Disk Union唱片买手到RIO Japan策划人的经历。

The original Rock in Opposition took place on March 12, 1978 in London, England. It brought together European prog-rock bands united by their common un-marketability to major record labels.The fest sets foot in Japan in November 2014. It was chaired by Nagai Akiko. Nagai, head of Disk Union’s progressive rock department for 10 years, with RIO Japan committee.
In the lecture, Akiko will talk about her experience evolving with Japanese prog-rock scene, from a 10-year Disk Union buyer to the curator RIO Japan Festival.

主持 Host:Mothra
语言 Language :英文 English
现场配有翻译 With English-Chinese interpreter


The workshop intends to explore new expressive possibilities in music combining ancient elements and modern techniques.
The improvisation, the way to be in touch with moment, how can we develop this, learn the freedom in music? Can the modal music, an old but still played in many countries offer a tool to create something new? And the rhythm? How can we relate to it, in improvisation?These are some questions the three musicians will try to answer to.

6th OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival

2016.10.08 - 10.23

套票 All Pass
盲鸟 Advance:¥500,含纪念T恤1件 1 T-shirt included
普通 Ordinary:¥800,含纪念T恤1件 1 T-shirt included
单晚 Single Night
10.08 / 10.16 / 10.20:预售 Presale ¥80;现场 At Door ¥100
其它 Others:预售 Presale ¥60;现场 At Door ¥80



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