阵容Bands:OLAM,Bent Scribe,大布偶乐团 Double
时间Time:2018年3月3日 8:30pm-10:30pm
门票Tickets:预售票pre¥60 现场票door¥80(均包含指定酒水一杯 With a free drink)
来自本地最受欢迎的老外乐队THE OLAM
以及他的好朋友Bent Scribe和大布偶乐团
OLAM Band is an emotion evoking soulful rock band with passionate musicians dedicated to moving their audiences to another level.
Formed in and based out of Shanghai, China this sundry foursome has been revving up audiences to their message of unification and inspiration in an unmitigated fashion.
Since December 2016 the band and its eclectic sound have been favored as well as compared to the likes of Maroon 5, Dave Matthew's Band and Bob Dylan all while capturing the attention of music lovers across China.
Bent Scribe
Bent Scribe are a couple of porch benders who when not treating themselves to a Guinness colonic, like to thrash one out on the old guitar. These guys pack enough foreskin to operate a bungee jumping company over tiger leaping gorge. Head on down to the Silver Lining for plenty of rad riffs, tasty licks and the occasional fingering of a minor. Bent Scribe bring the vibe.
大布偶乐团 Double
[主唱:Jeff]、 [EDM / 吉他:Sean]、[鼓手:Van]、[贝斯:Jerry]、[灯光师:Real]、[调音师:Kimi]
乐队虽成立时间较短,但乐手们都是圈内混迹多年的资深音乐人,这几位音乐制作人彼此意愿使然,一拍即合,从幕后玩到台前,组成一支融合Electric(电子) / Future bass(未来贝斯) / Funk rock(摇滚放克)/ R&B/ HIP-HOP 等元素的乐团。纯熟自然的游走于最前沿的音乐技术概念与好听顺口的流行之间,丰富的创作经验,使乐队在音乐气质的把握及技术上都有一定的积累沉淀及出色的表现,在他们的曲子当中可以听见各式曲风的融合以及强劲的律动,每一首歌都能让你不自觉地扭动起来!
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