The Cambodian Space Project - Denim Lover
Neocha: 你为什么选择“The Cambodian Space Project”作为乐队名?
Neocha: Why did you choose the name “The Cambodian Space Project”?
Neocha: 柬埔寨是怎么激发你灵感的?你受哪些乐队的影响?本地和海外的粉丝都有一些什么反应?
Neocha: How does Cambodia inspire your sound? Who are your influences as a band? What’s the general feedback from your Cambodian audience in contrast with your audience overseas?
Neocha: 你们的纪录片是怎么而来的?跟我们说说它的拍摄过程吧,为何它如此受欢迎?
Neocha: How did the documentary come about? Tell us about the process of making it, and what has been the reception so far?
Neocha: 你现在在忙什么项目?你对未来有何期待?有任何新项目或者新演出吗?
Neocha: What are you working on now and what are you looking forward to in the future? Any new projects or upcoming shows?
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