【8月11日】美国新迷幻摇滚OF MONTREAL 2016首次中国巡演北京站

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Big-time 呈献 Presents

美国新迷幻摇滚OF MONTREAL 2016首次中国巡演北京站



他们的音乐让你想起了六七时年代英国的街头音乐和披头士,又或者能让你一听见旋律响起就能认出那是Of Montreal 。主唱Kevin Barnes华丽而妖气的唱腔时不时地给你来个神经扭曲,其音乐的娱乐性可见一斑。让他们在稳定一年一张的发行的速度下,大无所畏地由一支无名乐团晋升為当代不可缺席的新迷幻乐队。




OfMontreal 是一支来自于美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大,由主唱Kevin Barnes1996年成立的摇滚乐队,Kevin Barnes创立"of Montreal"源于他与一位来自Montreal的女子的失败浪漫史。最初在他定居治亚州之前,他是这个小组的唯一成员。在那儿,他遇到了Derek AlmsteadBryan Poole。相见恨晚,他们一起录制了首张专辑Cherry Peel,随后又发行了“The Bird Who Ate the Rabbit's Flower”“The Bedside Drama: APetite Tragedy”。音乐风格类型深受20世纪60年代迷幻流行乐的影响,并在他们这里得到了极大的发展。


在专辑“The Gay Parade”之后,1998年乐队开始了第三张专辑制作,但是Poole却离开了of Montreal,回到了他之前的乐队.于是Barnes又招募了James HusbandDottie Alexander,而Derek从鼓手变为了贝斯手。之后Marshmallow CoastAndy Gonzales不久又加入了他们。在1999年发行“The Gay Parade”之前,of Montreal又发行了许多单曲包含了一张再次发行的“The Bird Who Continues to Eat the Rabbit's Flower”


Kevin Barnes在挪威和佐治亚州的雅典城时,自己一个人录制了2007年发行的专辑“Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?”里面的大部分歌曲。他同时也发行了此专辑的配套CD,名为“Icons, Abstract Thee”。他甚至在一次洛杉矶的演出中一丝不挂的唱了5首歌曲。


2013425 of montrealFB上发布了一个声明,名为“Lousywith Sylvianbriar”的专辑已经完成。此声明也详述了这张专辑的创作概念,描述了2013年初在旧金山自我孤立的经历。在歌词方面他深受Sylvia Plath, the Grateful Dead, Neil Young,the Flying Burrito Brothers的影响。“Lousy with Sylvianbriar”这张专辑于2013108日正式发行,在710号的时候,他们就发行了专辑中的收支单曲“Fugitive Air”731日宣布在10月和11月进行新专辑巡演。201441日他们在Kickstarter上众筹的电影将改为"The Past Is a Grotesque Animal"(名字来源于2007年的歌曲"Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?"),并由Oscilloscope Laboratories发行。


通过FB的上传信息和Stereogum.com网站对Kevin Barnes的专访,of Montreal的新专辑“Aureate Gloom”被曝光。这张专辑灵感来自70年代中后期的音乐,包括TelevisionTalking Heads等,同时这张专辑也包含了barnes的个人情感,他与妻子分开11年了。他也形容这张让他感觉人生处处是音乐,这张专辑于201533日发行。



Much hasbeen said about of Montreal's gradual transformation from Beatlesque,tongue-in-cheek pop music to the darker, funky and angst-ridden glam-pop. Theonly thing worth knowing, however, is that they have been consistentlyexcellent in their efforts. A variety of pop gems, more often single-worthythan not, have repeatedly come together to form beautiful, conceptual albums.What more could you possibly want?


OfMontreal (stylized as of Montreal) is an American rock band from Athens,Georgia. It was founded by frontman Kevin Barnes in 1996, named after a failedromance between Barnes and a woman "of Montreal." The band isidentified as part of the Elephant 6 collective. Throughout its existence, ofMontreal's musical style has evolved considerably and drawn inspiration fromnumerous 1960s psychedelic pop acts.


Afterproduction on The Gay Parade, the band's third album, began in 1998, Poole leftthe band to focus on his duties with Elf Power, another Elephant Sixband.Barnes then recruited James Husband and Dottie Alexander, who had beenperforming together as Lightning Bug vs. Firefly. Derek moved from drums tobass, and Marshmallow Coast's Andy Gonzales joined soon after. Prior to therelease of The Gay Parade in 1999, of Montreal released a number of singles anda re-release of The Bird Who Continues to Eat the Rabbit's Flower.


KevinBarnes recorded most of the band's 2007 release, Hissing Fauna, Are You theDestroyer?, by himself while living in Norway and Athens, Georgia. Barnes alsoreleased a companion CD to Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? called Icons,Abstract Thee. In 2007, Kevin Barnes performed five songs nude during aperformance in Las Vegas. In Paris, they did a Take-Away Show acoustic videosession shot by Vincent Moon.


On April25, 2013, of Montreal posted an announcement on their Facebook page statingthat a new album entitled Lousy with Sylvianbriar had been completed. The postwent into detail about the album's conception, including that Barnes' writingoccurred while on a "self imposed isolation experiment in SanFrancisco" in early 2013. He was influenced by Sylvia Plath, the GratefulDead, Neil Young, and the Flying Burrito Brothers in his writing. Lousy withSylvianbriar was released on 8 October 2013. On 10 July 2013, the band releasedthe first single from the album, entitled "Fugitive Air." On 31 July2013, they announced that they would be touring their new album in October andNovember.On April 1, 2014 the band announced that their Kickstarter backed filmhad changed its name to "The Past Is a Grotesque Animal" (named afterthe song on 2007's "Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?") and wouldbe released by Oscilloscope Laboratories. On April 29, 2014, it was announcedthat the film had a release date of June 24 accompanied by a tour of screeningsprior that date.


By meansof a Facebook post and a Kevin Barnes interview conducted by Stereogum.com, ofMontreal's most recent album, Aureate Gloom was announced. The record isinfluenced by "the mid to late 70's music scene in New York". Thisincludes bands such as Television and Talking Heads. The album captures Barnes'emotions born from his separation from his wife of 11 years and its aftermath.Barnes described the album as being "all over the place musically",lending to its reflection of his mindset during the time of its creation. Thealbum was released March 3, 2015.





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