果敢法国爵士乐团 Guo Gan jazz band

2023-05-10 14:56:27


Guo Gan jazz band


2017/5/6   晚上7:00




Guo Gan.The Master of Chinese ErHu. He became the first traditional chinese musician awarded " Knight of the Order of the Artsand Letters " by Maurice Gourdault-Montagne. the France Ambassador toChina 2016.

Guo Gan started learning erhu in early childhood from his father Guo Jun Ming, also a renowned grand  Master of  ErHu .

In 2000, Guo Gan went to France to study and laterobtained Master's degree from the National Music School of Fresnes in Paris.

Through Chinese traditional erhu art, Guo Gan has worked with many musicians and artists in different parts of the world and travelled to more than 80 countries. He has played in nearly 2000 concerts and published more than 60 albums. He has performed at many famous concert halls of the world such as New York's Carnegie Hall, New York's Lincoln Hall, the Chicago Sympnony Hall, the Royal Music Hall in Geneva, the Paris City Hall, the Palais des Congres and many others.

Guo Gan has played with many of the world's most famous musician including Lang Lang, Yvan Cassar, Hans Zimmer. Didier Lockwood. Garbrel Yared. Jean Francois Zyge!. Nguyen Le ..His performances with Lang Lang in Europe and the US have not only been highly recognised and praised by the media, but also gained popularity among music lovers around the world. In 2005, he played the symphonic poem 'Chinese Ink' with Yvan Casser, a well-known French conductor. He has performed with world's top orchestras as well. 

He has also been involved in different areas of music such as world music, classical music, jazz, ballet, opera, modern music, film music and, pop music. He has been highly recognised by the media Steve Smith, editor of the New York Times Arts Page wrote, 'Mr Guo, amagnificent performer, shaped melodies with the expressive contours of vocal lines in HuaYanjun's "Moon reflected on the Er-Quan Spring" and provided flourishes that might give aviolinist pause during Huang Gaihuai's "Horse Racing".' Mark Swed, music critic for the LosAngles Times, also gave high regard to Guo Gan's performance with Lang Lang: 'Guo was a wonder, his Erhu sweetly filling the air with an astonishing sweet and sumptuous sonic perfume, which Langac companied with exquisite sensitivity.' 

Television and radio stations have, for many times, conducted personal interviews with Guo Gan, referring to him as 'the master of two strings'. In the eyes of the French media, he has become a symbol of the Chinese erhu. In France in 2011 an article was written about him citing him as 'the King of Chinese erhu'.. grand Master of ErHu. During the past 12 yearsin France, Guo Gan has been a missionary of Sino-French culture exchange. He has also played on behalf of the French Culture Ministry in Zhou Zhuang in China and at the French Pavilion at the Shanghai EXPO. Guo Gan Jazz Band in 2015 Midem Cannes. and 2014 celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. 

Besides his ardent pursuit of music, Guo Gan has been actively participating in charitable works around the world. In the past few years, he played at events organised by UNESCO, for instance, working with Tan Dun, the famous Chinese composer in 2012 in Hangzhou Grand/Theatre, promoting the theme of cherishing the word's water resources. He has also worked with Lang Langin Shenzhen at a themed performance to promote world peace. He has played for free for children in poverty in Africa, South American and remote regions in China.

For more information regarding Guo Gan, visit http://www.guogan.fr



果敢自幼随父 (中国著名二胡演奏家,教育家,中国音乐家协会二胡学会副会长. 沈阳音乐学院民乐系主任果俊明教授) 学习二胡,他功底深厚,技术全面,多才多艺。1991年毕业于沈 阳音乐学院本科二胡专业.并与吕青山教授学习打击乐专业. 1992-2000年果敢组建多个流行乐队.其中最著名的是GY Q爵士乐队.

2001年,果敢赴法国留学,在巴黎FRESNES国立音乐学院 获得了打击乐硕士学位。

在法国十几年期间. 果敢用中国传统的二胡音乐与世界不同领域的艺术家,音乐家, 交响乐团合作,足迹走遍全世界80多个国家,演出近2000多场 ,出版唱片60余张。并在《功夫熊猫3》和《新少林寺》《L’ IDOLE》等40多部中外电影里配乐.在世界著名的音乐厅演出 ,如纽约卡内基音乐厅、纽约林肯中心音乐厅、 芝加哥交响乐音乐厅、洛杉矶橘城音乐厅. 日内瓦皇家音乐厅、巴黎Chatelet音乐厅巴黎音乐城音乐厅 和巴黎Palais des Congre. 波兰Wroclaw 交响音乐厅.日本东京剧院.巴西RIO桑巴剧院. 墨西哥城广场剧院.中国各大城市保利剧院等数百个剧场。

果敢和世界著名音乐家郎朗,Yvan Cassar、Didier Lockwood、Gabrel Yared .Hans Zimmer. Jean Francois Zygel. Nguyen  Le等多次合作.果敢和郎朗在欧洲和美国多次合作, 他们的精彩表演不仅受到媒体的一致赞誉,备受世界瞩目, 并大量在网络中被传送,转发点击率堪称叫绝。2005年, 他与法国著名指挥家Yvan Casser合作,同法国巴黎歌剧院交响乐队在巴黎最大的剧场P alais desCongre演出交响诗《中国墨》数十场。 与爵士小提琴大师Didier Lockwood的合作更是引发了很多法国观众对中国二胡的热爱 . 果敢还多次与纽约交响乐团、法国巴黎歌剧院交响乐队、法国巴黎M assy交响乐队、捷克国家交响乐队和波兰交响乐队.法国尼斯交 响乐队.中国各大交响乐团等合作演出大型音乐会。

果敢涉足世界音乐,古典音乐,爵士音乐,舞剧,歌剧,现代音乐. 流行音乐等不同音乐领域。 果敢是世界首位两次进入美国纽约卡内基音乐厅的中国民族音乐家. 其中第二次成功举办了果敢卡内基二胡独奏音乐会. 两次音乐会引发美国媒体的一片赞誉.,《 洛杉矶时报》,。美国「 Smith说:「果敢是一位优秀和华丽演奏家。他将华彦钧的『 二泉映月』的声乐线旋律以富于表现力的方式演绎了出来, 并在黄海怀的『赛马』中创造出有若小提琴般的澎拜节奏。」 他与郎朗合作的演出亦获得「洛杉矶时报」著名乐评人Mark Swed的高度评价: 「果敢是个奇迹。他的二胡让空气充满了华丽而甜美的音律香氛, 而朗朗则以精致细腻的演奏与之配合。」果敢被国外媒体称作 《在全世界宣传中国二胡最多的艺术家. 》墨西哥和巴西等南美主流媒体称「果敢.是一座文化桥梁」.日本 产经新闻—「果敢.两根弦奏响中日交流主旋律」.

在2004年法国多家电视台和电台就多次对果敢做过个人专访, 并称他为“两根弦的的大师”。在法国媒体的眼中, 他已经成为中国二胡的一个标志,法国《孚日早报》2011年曾为 其演出撰写专题文章《果敢,中国的二胡国王》。2013年法国最 大杂志《L'express》报道: 「果敢.中国二胡大师. 他用他的传统乐器. 贯穿世界不同音乐风格」法国爵士乐媒体称赞--二胡大师果敢为爵 士乐打开了一扇窗.  法国最大报纸费加罗FIGARO对果敢进行专题报道标题《 果敢的二胡. 席访法前对杰出留法艺术家的专题报道标题: 「果敢.46岁的二胡大师.中法文化交流的民间使者」在法国的1 5年里,他一直担当着中法文化交流的使者, .法国戛纳国际电影节 .中法建交50周年中国巡演的演出。2014年果敢为中法两国人 文启动签字仪式演出. 2015果敢爵士乐队代表中国参加2015世界音乐博览会演出.

除了对音乐的执着追求,果敢还热心公益.并大力倡导网络教学.惠 及大众。近年来,他一直参加由联合国教科文组织UNESCO和M elody for  Dialogue Among Cilivisations协会组织的大型演出,如2012年在 杭州大剧院与华裔作曲家谭盾等音乐家同台参加以珍惜世界水资源的 演出;果敢还多次去非洲、 南美洲及中国偏远地区免费为当地儿童演出.近几年果敢有回到自己 的家乡味父老乡亲演奏.果敢在辽视春晚多次与郎朗.霍尊的中国风组合再次引发了全国观众对传统音乐的热爱与轰动.


艺术骑士勋章. 这是世界首位中国民族音乐家和世界首位中国二胡演奏家获此殊荣. 仪式.法国大使顾山先生代表法国总统和政府亲自为果敢佩戴骑士勋 章.并赞扬果敢为在全世界推广中国音乐与法国音乐所做的贡献.称 赞果敢是一个真正的二胡大师. .人民网.央视.法国费加罗报.法国电视台等数百家媒体热烈报道.


Thierry  毕业于日内瓦音乐学院钢琴系.现在是Grenoble音乐学院的钢琴和爵士乐教授.出版很多唱片并获得德国音乐大奖.并组建过很多乐队.... 

Thierry began his music career studying piano at the Conservatory of Music in Geneva. After having perfected harmony and counterpoint at the Conservatory of Music in Grenoble, he left for a number of years to California where he obtained a diploma in composition for Film Scores at the Grove School of Music. His achievements are many; from Symphonic Orchestra, string quartets to jazz groups and piano solos. Thus, he is able to write many different styles such as rock, classical, comtemporary and opera. He formed his own group «Le Bocal», («The Jar» in English) which has led him to national recognition and a French government commission in 2008. Currently he is working with Bruno Aveillan director of many high quality commercials for Perrier, Coke, Gaz de France, Louis Vuitton. Thierry has recently begun working in close cooperation with the contemporary German artist; Dorothea Fleiss.Thanks to his music, he has been able to travel throughout Europe, North America and Africa. His records can be found through Harmonia Mundi, Musea.

Thibaud Pontet 


* Thibaud Pontet commence à étudier le piano à l’âge de six ans, puis plus tard, la batterie qui deviendra peu à peu son instrument “principal”. Son besoin croissant d’improviser et de composer le dirige de plus en plus vers le jazz et ses dérivés.

Après être passé entre les mains de Pierre Desvignes pour la batterie, de Pierre Drevet pour l’harmonie et l’arrangement, de Thierry Girault et de Remy Goutin pour le piano, il intègre le Centre de Musique Didier Lockwood (CMDL) en 2008 et en sortira deux ans plus tard avec le diplôme d’Excellence, premier batteur à l’obtenir depuis la création de l’école (2000). Il y retournera en 2014-15, cette fois en piano et obtiendra son diplôme avec la mention très bien.

Il s’est déjà produit notamment avec le groupe “Hednoka” (Pop-Rock) en première partie de Fiction Plane (groupe du fils de Sting, Joe Sumner), Winston Mcanuff (Electric Dread) et en première partie de Ron Carter avec le “SLAM Quartet”. On notera aussi trois tournées en France et au Brésil avec “Righi & Pontet” en 2010, 2011 et 2012 ainsi qu’une autre en Allemagne avec le Collectif “LeBocal” en Octobre 2011. Il a également ouvert pour le groupe américain “Fishbone” avec Hednoka en 2012. Il était en tournée en France avec le groupe de musique traditionnel brésilienne, Trio Brejeiro en 2013.

Discographie : “Bist du Froh ?” du collectif LeBocal (février 2012), “Tantos Universos” d’Ale Moreira (septembre 2012) et l’album “Présence” sous son nom (octobre 2012).

En dehors de la scène, il travaille comme éducateur et donne régulièrement des Master Class aussi bien en France qu’au Brésil (Souza Lima à São Paulo (2010), Drum School Sorocaba (2015), Centro Cultural Botucatu (2016), Cafe da 5 Botucatu (2016) etc …

Aujourd’hui, c’est un artiste complet, batteur et pianiste, libre de tout style, qui compose, arrange et improvise ...


FREDERIC FOLMER 现在也是Grenoble音乐学院的贝斯和爵士乐教授.他与很多世界爵士乐音乐家合作.并录制大量不同风格的唱片.

Performance: Youssou N’Dour , Dee Dee Bridgewater, Ahmad Mansour, Sylvain Beuf , Rudra/Béjart, Park Stickney, Michel Bastet , Gabriel Zufferey, Benoit Paillard , Moncef Genoud, Yves Cerf ,Eduardo Kohan, Gery Brown Rémy Bolduc ,Ohad Talmor , Marcel Papaux, ,Raul Esmerode, Nicola Orioli , Sharito, Laurence Saltiel Main Concerts and festivals:- USA: New York, Detroit, and Atlanta (“Montreux Jazz “tours)- CANADA: Montreal,Vancouver, Halifax, Moncton, Quebec, and st. John - AFRICA:Dakar, Libreville, Bangui, Ouagadougou, Brazzaville and Bissau(French institutes and cultural centers ) - HOLLAND:Amsterdam (Bimhuis) - ARGENTINA and URUGUAY: On tour with Moncef Genoud Trio -SWITZERLAND: Geneva, Cully jazz festival, Japan and Korea.



1ère partie


Chaconne en sol majeur


Six Variations sur Nel Cor Piu

Sonate  opus 27/2 “clair de lune”


2ème partie


Prélude, Fugue et variation


Fantasiestücke opus 12 (extraits)


Rêve d’amour

Paraphrase sur le Faust de Gounod


| 演 出 简 讯 |



 May 6th at 7:00pm




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185 1344 8256


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