
2023-05-10 14:56:27

5月5日,合肥唯一一只全部由外国乐手组成的原创乐队————白猴乐队发布了他们的最新单曲FALL TO FLY(坠落高飞, 为我们阴雨连绵的天气送来一丝明媚的阳光


Fall To Fly 坠落高飞

作曲 : Richie Cormack, Dave Pearson, Francesco Bendandi, The INFMS
作词 : Francesco Bendandi, Dave Pearson, Richie Cormack
Fall to Fly
Do you ever know how strong you are?
When all your indecision brings you so far.
Everybody wants to hold you down.
You see your friends, you feel so proud.
Sadness to madness it's your daily breath.

People think your crazy, what you got in your head?
Every night that you wanna give up.
You see your friends and you tell them what's up.
So just go ahead and be yourself.
Light the path when walking in the dark.
Flights not your fear it's your hope to fly.
Just be yourself and leave it all behind.
Indecision you ain’t got one,
Spin it back around with your ego on the ground,
Don’t give up, it’s not your last chance.
Maybe one day, you’ll find a good romance.
You said just sit down and let’s have a beer?
“It’s not a question my friend,” that was my only fear.
In the night you see what hurts most,
“Sit back and judge me straight once more.”
So just go ahead and be yourself.
Light the path when walking in the dark.
Flights not your fear it's your hope to fly.
Just do it yourself and leave it all behind.
So just go ahead and be yourself.
Light the path when walking in the dark.
Flights not your fear it's your hope to fly.
Just do it yourself and leave it all behind.


Don’t take the name lightly, the White Monkeys a legitimate, modern band now embarking on their 2nd tour of China . Made up of four European musicians who are based in China, White Monkeys are an original band currently recording their debut album Planet Nibiru. Check out their first single “Everest” and new cut “Fall to Fly” to get a feel for what they do. You can listen to these tracks on the 163 网音乐 app.


不要轻视这个名字,白猴乐队是一支典型现代乐队。白猴乐队正在进行他们的第二次中国巡演之旅。 白猴是由四位在中国的欧洲音乐人组成的原创乐队。如今他们正在录制他们的首张专辑Planet Nibiru。去网易音乐听听他们的第一张单曲“Everest”和新剪辑的视频“Fall to Fly”吧,感受他们所付出的热血与努力。


The band is fronted by lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist, Richie Cormack. A Scotsman, from the Northern city of Aberdeen. He plays guitar haphazardly, often misuses his instruments and sings as though he is being torn apart while at the same time being stitched back together. His lyrics reference people he has known that have affected him deeply. They feature recurring themes of tough love, broken promises, the losses and gains of his life. He performs and tells these stories because Richie thinks that if he has gone through these situations and came out the other end a better person. By turning life stories into musical performances, the audience can relate to and even learn how to stay positive and strong in their own troubles. “The journey of life is one that we begin and end alone, if I’ve found happiness with others in the middle of mine, why not share it?” (Richie Cormack 2018)


这支乐队的主唱兼节奏吉他Richie Cormack来自于苏格兰北部城市阿伯丁。他随性的吉他演奏以及歌唱时的状态带着一边被撕裂又同时被缝合般的疯狂。他的歌词主要涉及一些他所认识的并且给予他深深影响的人。歌曲里有艰辛浓烈的爱,无法圆满的承诺,以及生命的得失。他用音乐向人们诉说这些故事,因为Richie认为正是经历了爱与失去才能最终使他成为一个更好的人。通过将生活故事转化为音乐表演,能使观众联想到自己的生活,甚至学习如何在困难挫折中保持积极和坚强。 “生命之旅始于孤独并终于孤独,如果我能在他人那里发现幸福,我理应去分享”。(Richie Cormack,2018年)


Lead guitarist Dave Pearson is an English gentlemen. Living in China since 2015. Dave co-writes on all White Monkey songs. His big guitar sound makes the White Monkeys sound as though they are more than a four piece band. Dave however claims it’s all in his fingers. Dave prior to White Monkeys has performed in alternative rock bands in the south coast of England. Dave loves to collect cheap fake guitar pedals. Come check out his pedal board, it’s a beautiful sight.


主音吉他手Dave Pearson是一位来自英国的绅士。 他自2015年就在中国生活。Dave合写了所有白猴歌曲。 Dave喧哗的吉他音墙让这支乐队听起来好像远不止四个人在演奏。 然而Dave声称这一切都归功于他灵活的手指。Dave在加入白猴乐队之前在英格兰南部海岸的另类摇滚乐队表演过。 Dave喜欢收集便宜的假吉他踏板,他的踏板本身就是一件艺术品。


Italian born Francesco hits the drums hard. Is influenced by hard rock giants like Guns N’ roses and Queen. Has been a working musician in China for 4 years.


意大利人Francesco鼓点狂躁。 他深受Guns N’ roses 和Queen这些摇滚巨匠的影响。 他是一个在中国工作了四年的音乐人。


Bass player James also from England has fronted a few punk bands back in Britain and has been part of the local Hefei Music scene performing with foreign talents Sean Óg and Garris Armstrong for the past 3 years in numerous cities.


英国贝斯手James也曾在英国带过几个朋克乐队,并且在过去的三年中在合肥当地和其他许多城市与外国音乐人Sean Óg和Garris Armstrong曾多次表演合作。


The White Monkeys songs can be described as Brit rock influenced by hard rock, 90’s Funk and  00’s indie. White Monkeys want to fly with you. They are 4 guys who are doing this to try and connect with you. “We are all special, we are all Gold! We find uniqueness not just in ourselves, but push all of our fans to be themselves, to be open and inspired.” (Richie Cormack 2018) Come join us for the show, bring an open mind and prepare to have it filled.


White Monkeys 10 track Debut album Planet Nibiru 你别撸国度 will be released this Summer.


白猴乐队的歌曲深受硬摇滚,上世纪90年代的Funk和21世纪初的独立音乐影响,可以被称为典型的英式摇滚。白猴想要和你一起飞,一起疯狂。他们四个人正在尝试与你建立更深层次的联系。 “我们特别,我们才华横溢! 我们不仅发现自己的独一无二,而且想推动我们所有的粉丝做自己,开放心态与我们一起噪。”(Richie Cormack 2018)做好充足的准备,带着开放的心态,快来加入我们吧


白猴乐队首张专辑Planet Nibiru‘你别撸国度’中的十首歌将于今年夏天发行。




在ON THE WAY大摩店举办联合专场



时间Time:5.14   20:30

地点Add:ON THE WAY 大摩店


Qimen Road and Luzhou Avenue junction

票价Tickets:预售presale60 现场door 80

购票To buy:点击“阅读原文”购买

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