
2023-05-10 14:56:27






 将于 2018.7.26-7.30 日 



由新加坡莱佛士音乐学院主办的新加坡莱佛士文化艺术节– 才艺比赛,致力于搭建全球文化艺术交流平台,促进全球文化艺术和谐发展。力求为各国艺术家和艺术爱好者提供一个学习、交流与发挥才艺的平台。通过比赛的方式,促进国际艺术交流,增进国际友谊,推动全球文化发展的目的。










Som Said


Choreographer, Arts Educator and Artistic Director

Madam Som Said于1987年获得文化奖章奖,自1970年以来一直为国际观众带来马来舞蹈。她拥有印度尼西亚雅加达艺术学院(IKJ)的舞蹈人类学学士学位。1983年,她在她的师父Bagong Kussudiardja(PSBK - 1983)的领导下学习了“亚洲表演艺术的研究”。


此外,Madam Som Said在印度尼西亚(1989年)和新加坡南洋美术学院(1990年)的学习课程获得了独奏拉班符号。她也因为与全国儿童合作而在1979年获得国家青年奖。1992年,她获得了新加坡总统的PBM“Pingat Bakti Masyarakat”(社区服务奖章)奖,并于2009年获得了新加坡最负盛名的奖项'年度Berita Harian(新加坡马来社区报章)成就奖'。


凭借Madam Som Said的50多年推广,制作和指导舞蹈方面的成功经验,Sri Warisan Som Said表演艺术有限公司力求促进文化和艺术教育方面发挥更大的作用,并致力于让所有人都能接触到艺术。

Som Said, received the Cultural Medallion award in 1987, has been bringing Malay dance to an International audience since the 1970’s. She holds a degree in Dance Anthropology from Jakarta Institute of the Arts (IKJ) in Indonesia. In 1983, she studied ‘The study of Asian Performing Arts’ in contemporary dance creativity under her Master the late Bagong Kussudiardja (PSBK – 1983).

In addition, Som was awarded the Study course on Laban Notation in Solo (1989), Indonesia and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) Singapore (1990). She has also been recognised for her work with the nation’s children, winning the National Youth Award in 1979. In 1992, she received her PBM, ‘Pingat Bakti Masyarakat’ Award from the President of Singapore and in 2009, she won the most prestigious award in Singapore ‘Berita Harian Achiever of the year’.

With Som’s more than 50 years of successful experience in promoting, producing and directing dance, Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd seeks to continue to play an expanded role in the promotion of culture and arts education and aiming to make arts accessible to all.

Teresa Pee


Arts educator, practitioner and researcher

Teresa Pee,是一位艺术教育家、艺术从业者和研究师,拥有艺术硕士(舞蹈系)。Teresa的工作重点放在表演艺术领域,专门从事舞蹈,最近的工作是在舞蹈训练和管理方面。 她撰写课程和专业培训课程,通过该课程进行教学和培训,并担任舞蹈顾问,为各个组织机构技巧性的编制和规划课程和专业培训课程。 她也为了许多表演艺术杂志写了不少艺术性文章。



Teresa Pee, an arts educator, practitioner and researcher, holds a Master of Arts (Dance). Teresa’s work focuses on the area of performing arts, specialising in dance, with recent work in training and management. She writes curriculum and professional training programmes, by which she teaches and trains, and develops strategic planning in programming for organisations in her role as a consultant. She also writes articles for performing arts magazines.

She involves herself as an artistic advisor, in projects that cultivate arts creation, with a passion for production that engages learning in the direction of arts culture.

She has a keen interest in aesthetics in the bodily movement, which is her research work presently.




钢琴家沈冰于2016年获得美国波士顿大学钢琴演奏博士学位,同年归国任北京师范大学音乐系钢琴专业教师,任职期间获青教基金及青年教师基本功大赛三等奖。她开设的公选课“键盘乐艺术史”受到学生们的喜爱。2017年夏,沈冰作为钢琴导师受邀于著名的波士顿大学Tanglewood 音乐营讲授专家课。

作为音乐表演形式的探索者,沈冰是新媒体跨界演出团体NovaTrio的创始人之一,并曾受权威的创新艺术媒体 “The Creators Project” 采访。沈冰希望借助北师大艺术与传媒学院丰富的学科与人才资源,继续进行关于经典音乐演出形式的实验与探索。2017年,由沈冰策划并参与演奏的“跨界新媒体”演出在北师大国际音乐周及人民大学艺术学院音乐节成功上演。

沈冰的演出足迹遍及法、德、日、美、加及中国各主要城市,曾受邀于纽约Symphony Space、波士顿Tsai Performance Center、上海大剧院、和北京音乐厅等音乐厅演出。她的讲座音乐会在同济大学、中央美院、广西师范大学等高校受到欢迎。在纽约期间,沈冰多次受著名艺术家、乐评人、作家、艾美奖获得者大卫.杜保尔David Dubal邀请,在其茱莉亚音乐学院的钢琴文献课上示范演奏。在波士顿期间,她也多次受波士顿大学驻校现代乐团ALEA III 之邀进行合作演出。沈冰曾获中央音乐学院第一届学院杯钢琴比赛第一名、并在加拿大Key Meek 奖学金大赛、中法咪哆钢琴比赛等比赛中获奖。她曾受邀参加的音乐节包括美国的Sarasota音乐节、SICPP现代音乐节;法国的Music Alp音乐节;加拿大的Orford 音乐节等。她的演奏曾被David Dubal誉为“风格惊艳”;波士顿权威乐评媒体The Boston Musical Intelligencer评价她的演奏“精确而美丽;技巧高超且充满能量。” 法国电视台Arte曾广泛播放沈冰的演奏录像。

由母亲赵立丽教授启蒙,沈冰曾师从于郑曙星、常桦、凌远、杜泰航、李金星、Jeffrey Cohen、Anthony di Bonaventura、 Pavel Nersessian 等国内外著名钢琴家、教育家。此外,也曾接受过David Dubal、 Claude Frank、 Paul Badura-Skoda、 Robert D. Levin等艺术家的指导,及现代音乐专家Stephen Drury、Antony de Mare、 Steffen Schleiermacher等的指点。沈冰获波士顿大学博士学位(助教奖学金)、曼哈顿音乐学院硕士学位(学院奖学金),及温哥华音乐学院艺术家文凭;此前就读于中央音乐学院附小、附中、大学,并考取本院免学费研究生;在中央音乐学院就读期间,连年获优秀学生奖学金。





Conductor and music director

Gevorg Sargsyan是亚美尼亚的指挥和音乐总监,被誉为“他那一代中最鼓舞人心的艺术家之一”。 乔治索尔蒂爵士奖的获得者 (Sir Georg Solti Award),他曾在世界各地举办过不同的管弦乐队演出,包括Orquesta de Valencia,捷克室内爱乐乐团 (Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra),埃里温交响乐团 (Yerevan Symphonic Orchestra),佩斯卡拉爱乐乐团 (Pescara Philharmonic Orchestra),利沃夫交响乐团 (Lviv Symphonic Orchestra),并担任全职常驻指挥 与亚美尼亚国家歌剧和芭蕾舞剧院合作,定期演出歌剧和芭蕾舞作品,并与他们一起巡回演出。

Gevorg在亚美尼亚的埃里温国立音乐学院(Yerevan State Conservatory)学习,后来在维也纳音乐学院(Vienna Conservatory)和英国伦敦戈德史密斯音乐学院(Goldsmiths College of Music, London)学习。 在移居亚洲之后,Gevorg将他的指挥职业和导师职业生涯结合起来,不单单是指挥师,也开展了许多大师班和讲座。 他是菲律宾大学音乐学院(University of Philippines College of Music)的客座教授,并在东南亚不同的教育机构做客座讲座。

Gevorg是AMC唱片公司(美国)的“大师级”标签艺术家,并在唱片公司旗下的Yerevan Chamber Orchestra录制了几张CD。 Gevorg最近被任命为新加坡麦迪逊音乐学院(Madison Academy of Music Singapore)的音乐总监。Gevorg即将参与的活动包括在捷克共和国,德国和卢森堡举行音乐会,之后将展开南美巡演。

Hailed as " of the most inspiring artists of his generation..." Gevorg Sargsyan is a conductor and music director from Armenia. Recipient of Sir Georg Solti Award he has been guest-conducting in various venues around the world with different orchestras including Orquesta de Valencia, Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra, Yerevan Symphonic Orchestra, Pescara Philharmonic Orchestra, Lviv Symphonic Orchestra and worked as full-time resident conductor with Armenian National Opera & Ballet Theatre, conducting regular opera and ballet productions and touring with them.


Gevorg studied in his native Armenia at the Yerevan State Conservatory and later continued in Vienna Conservatory and Goldsmiths College of Music, London (UK). After moving to Asia, he is combining his career between conducting and running masterclasses and lectures. He is a visiting professor of the University of Philippines College of Music, and guest lecturing in various educational establishments across South East Asia.


Gevorg is a "Master Class" labled artist of AMC recordings (USA) and has recorded several CD’s with Yerevan Chamber Orchestra under the label. He has been recently appointed a music director of Madison Academy of Music Singapore.

Gevorg’s upcoming engagements include concerts in Czech Republic, Germany and Luxembourg followed by a South American tour.




Lyric Soprano

黄彩鸾,抒情女高音,毕业于意大利国立音乐学院Conservatorio Di Musica “A.Casella”, 主修声乐及舞台表演,并考获英国伦敦音乐学院FLCM院士演唱文凭及LLCM指挥文凭。


师从新加坡声乐家陈毓申女士、意大利女高音歌唱家Maestra Alberta Valentini。彩鸾语文能力强,能用意大利文、德文、法文、英文和中文演绎不同时代,不同区域音乐作品的风格与艺术表达。从事声乐教学多年,积累了丰富的教学经验。





Lyric Soprano, ELENA NG CHOY LUAN, graduated from the Italian National Conservatory of Music (Conservatorio Di Musica “A Casella”) in 1986.  She obtained a Diploma of FLCM in Singing and a Diploma of LLCM in Conducting from London College of Music.

Besides maintaining a performing career, Elena also teaches voice. She brings her rich experience, both as a performer and pedagogue, and her passion for nurturing young talent,   One of her finest protégés is Mr Zeng Xian Yao who participated in the National Singing Competition (organised by the National Arts Council), and emerged champion in the public group category in 1993. The NAC went on to award him with a two-year scholarship for him to pursue further music studies in USA.


In 1997, Elena founded the Echo Philharmonic Society, and established the Echo Chorus.  Actively involved in promoting music, she is regularly invited to sit on adjudication panels in local and international singing competitions.

In 2005, Elena was oppointed as an Assessor for the LCM Performance Awards in Chinese Music by Thames Valley University.



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