2018愚公移山音乐节首日阵容 YUGONG YISHAN FESTIVAL 2018 - DAY 1

2023-05-10 14:56:27



Yugong Yishan kicks off its long awaited very first Yugong Yishan Festival at the New Great Wall Valley in 2018, April 21st & 22nd  celebrating music with world-class talents, legendary musicians and genre-defining bands!


Yugong Yishan Festival features over a dozen local and international acts for two uplifting days on top of the mountains.

来自芝加哥的后摇教父Tortoise将为音乐节首日开场,紧随其后的是日本爵士后摇Mouse on the Keys、德国独立电子活化石The Notwist、中国后朋发动机重塑雕像的权利,以及传奇德国朋克Die Toten Hosen成军36年来的中国首演。

The first day opens with post rock godfathers Tortoise from Chicago, followed by Mouse on the Keys who bring their jazz-infused post rock from Japan, german indietronica heroes The Notwist,  China’s very own post punk powerhouse Re-TROS and legendary German punk rock band Die Toten Hosen who will give their China debut at Yugong Yishan Festival on April 21st.


德国最负盛名的传奇乐队Die Toten Hosen,成军36年。中国首演,就在本届愚公移山音乐节

Die Toten Hosen(死裤子乐队)是德国最为经典、最具代表性的摇滚乐队。他们的体育场演出场场爆满,在欧陆各大音乐节上的地位绝对领先。在德国本土,他们头顶上闪烁的光辉盖过了战车等那些所有在海外被人所熟知的名字,无论是啤酒节、私人派对还是各种庆典,都少不了他们那一首首家喻户晓的大金曲,老少集体大合唱时时引发。他们在1982年组建这支地下朋克乐队的时候未曾想到,多年之后乐队的摇滚生涯将以教科书般的传奇载入史册。在过去的36年里,Die Toten Hosen曾位居榜首的专辑就有十张之多,2017年刚发行的新专辑《Laune der Natur》又毫无悬念的再次夺冠,德国摇滚乐坛的常青树他们当之无愧。就连德国国家足球队在备战2012年欧洲杯赛季之时,都选用他们的大作《Tage wie diese》来鼓舞团队士气。

与中国观众见面,一直是Die Toten Hosen多年的心愿。而他们不知道的是,观众们在这里也已经整整等待了36年。舞台上下的圆梦之夜,就在4月21日,愚公移山音乐节首日。

“Great songs result from something need to be said and not because somebody has to say something. Great songs are superior to our egos.”

Campino (frontman of “Die Toten Hosen”)


Die Toten Hosen (which literally means “The Dead Trousers”) are self-taught musicians who grew to become one of the biggest rock acts in German history.


Throughout their 36 years of calling, they performed alongside U2, The Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, AC/DC and many others. They sold around 15 million records and won the German “Grammy” ECHO award multiple times. At one point DTH had three different albums in the German charts at the same time…


The band was formed in 1982 and their music gradually shifted from funny and nonsensical to serious. The songs from the band's first LP were mostly fun punk, but by the end of the 1980s they were focusing more on social issues such as consumerism, racism and faith. One of their greatest songs until today remains “Hier kommt Alex” (1988) 

which was inspired by Stanley Kubrick’s grim protagonist character in the film “Clockwork Orange”.


“We always have been influenced by English punk music,” declares front singer CAMPINO who is also a renowned actor who starred together with Dennis Hopper in Wim Wender’s “Palermo Shooting”. “The Jam, The Clash…they all had something to disclose. They’ve been forceful. They’ve not only been standing contra but more importantly pro subjects (such as against racism).”


DTH’s album “Ballast der Republik” (2012) was an immense success and quickly became the stuff of legend as the band was showered in precious metal awards. Their single “Tage wie diese” broke all imaginable records and the respective tour counted among the largest tours German audiences had ever witnessed. The novel album “Laune der Natur” (2017) is purest punk alongside emotional ballads and uplifting hymns.

Andreas Gursky’s photography “Toten Hosen” (2000) at New York Museum of modern art

重塑雕像的权利 Re-TROS



他们用了八年时间沉淀打磨,终于在2017年联合录音师Hector Castillo录制了第三张唱片《Before The Applause》。《Before The Applause》更彻底地通过电子化的编配和实验性的概念展示了乐队在音乐上继续探索的野心。《Before The Applause》发行后,“重塑”开始了大规模的巡演。配合唱片在海外的上市,2017年乐队在一轮美国巡演之后,被Depeche Mode吉他手Martin Gore钦点,作为这支世界殿堂级乐队的欧洲巡演嘉宾,展开了欧洲巡演。

Rebuilding The Rights Of Statues (Re-Tros for short) was founded in 2003.

Deeply influenced by 1970s post-punk bands such as Bauhaus, Joy Division and Gang of Four, Re-TROS quickly established itself as a powerful representative of Chinese rock music.

They have worked 8 years and finally released their third album Before The Applause in 2017. The revolutionary album with its electro arrangements and experimental concepts demonstrates the band’s ambition in music. Re-TROS toured globally after the release and was soon picked up by Martin Gore from the Depeche Mode as the opening guest for their latest European tour.



这支“音乐鬼才”28年来一直活跃在欧洲独立摇滚乐坛,获得赞誉无数,乐队本身就是一部行走的德国独立音乐发展史。2002年的专辑《Neon Golden》被视为“经典独立专辑”,广为人知,并被一向严苛的著名独立音乐媒体《Pitchfork》将其评为当年的年度专辑。乐队登上过欧洲各大音乐节的舞台,并有机地混合了电子节拍、脉冲波、数字信号、循环采样和Markus Achers独特的人声,将独立电子音乐推向整个欧洲。

二十八年的音乐生涯里,The Notwist的巡演足迹遍布全球,也是Primavera Sound、法国Pitchfork fest、Melt Festival 、Rock Herk等国际知名音乐节的常客,更重要的是,他们的音乐影响和鼓舞了众多的欧美独立乐队。

从未停止过的尝试与革新、令人惊叹的充沛创作力、不曾停歇的探索之路,来现场和The Notwist一起,进入他们的微观世界。

Since their formation in 1989, The Notwist rose to the top of indie fame and became one of Germany’s most important bands. Their 2002 album “Neon Golden” is widely considered as a “Classic Indie Album” and was named album of the year on Pitchfork.


During their career, The Notwist have been praised for their ground breaking work to introduce indietronica in Europe by blending electronic beats, pulsing waves, the mixture of organic instruments with digital blips and loops and most notably the serenity of Markus Acher’s voice. Their music leaves you mesmerised, lost in meditative thought and captivated by the grainy, exquisite textures.


28 years have passed, The Notwist have been touring globally and frequented important festivals like the Primavera Sound, Pitchfork fest, Melt Festival, Rock Herk. Relentlessly revolutionary, incredibly inspiring, The Notwist bring their universe to the Yugong Yishan Festival on April 21st 2018.



乐队凭借独特的鼓加两架钢琴的配置,将90年代美国后硬核的内容,与当代古典、爵士和电子舞曲结合在一起,协同震撼人心的视觉创作,打造出了完全属于Mouse On The Keys独特的音乐风格,征服了Fuji Rock、Sonar等重要音乐节的舞台。

Mouse on the Keys将鼓和钢琴、键盘独到地结合在一起,融合摇滚、硬核、重金属与早期/当代古典、爵士和电子舞曲,协同震撼人心的视觉创作,比如东京城市景观、集合符号、3D影像和抽象元素,打造出了完全属于Mouse On The Keys独特的音乐世界。从他们的音乐里,你绝不仅仅是聆听来自东京的先锋之声,更仿佛置身于东京的某个角落,亲身体验那座城市的一呼一吸。


Mouse on the Keys is one of the most exciting bands hailing from Tokyo. This unique band has conquered stages at Fuji Rock, Sonar Festival with their blend of minimal phrased piano and dynamic drumming, and their topnotch live performances packed with vibrant visual and audio elements.

Mouse on the Keys is a trio instrumental band. Based in Tokyo, the group consists of its former members, "Nine Days Wonder" (a leading band on the Japanese post-rock scene) Akira Kawasaki (drum, keyboards) and Atsushi Kiyota (piano, keyboards), along with Daisuke Niitome (piano, keyboards).

The unique sound of the band's drums, two pianos, and two keyboards combines the speedy sensation of rock, hard core and heavy metal with a taste for early/contemporary classical, jazz and a flair for various dance music.

At their concerts, the band projects a variety of images chosen to match their sound ―views of Tokyo, geometrical shapes, 3D objects, and pure abstractions. Residents of Tokyo, the members of Mouse on the Keys represent the haunting restlessness of their home city at their live appearances. They would transform even a venue in Germany, France or China into a kind of virtual Tokyo.


对当代音乐影响最为深远的鼻祖级乐队之一,Post Rock音乐流派最具代表性的乐队!



在上世纪90年代成立于芝加哥的Tortoise完全颠覆了在此之前的音乐规律、审美、现场和判断。乐队在90代中期就做出了具有划时代意义的唱片,完美融合了Dub、电子、Krautrock、酷爵士、古典、极简甚至是Hardcore。从出道的首张专辑《Tortoise》开始,Tortoise就表现出绝对的成熟与创造力,并且在直到今天的这20多年中从未有过倦怠期和瓶颈期,自始至终用一种独立的姿态游离在全球音乐场景之外,却又以毋庸置疑的艺术前瞻性深深地影响着各个领域的音乐人,甚至直接定义了Post Rock这一风靡全球的音乐类型。




Groundbreaking instrumentalists Tortoise is one of the most influential bands since the ‘90s. The members have roots in Chicago's fertile music scene, playing in various indie rock and punk rock groups. Tortoise was among the first American indie rock bands to incorporate styles closer to krautrock, dub, minimal music, electronica and various jazz styles, rather than the strong rock and roll roots that had dominated the genre. While Tortoise’s music defies easy classification, the band became one of the markers by which other groups are measured and are regarded as driving force behind the post-rock movement. Tortoise remains unique in the world of contemporary music for their boundless intellectual curiosity and their unmistakable compositional voice. On the 21st April 2018, Tortoise is opening the Yugong Yishan Festival as the first band on stage, so be there on time!


More to be announced, keep your eyes peeled!



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