3/16 Friday → DJANG SAN + BAND & MISH MASH SOUL 加入张思安乐队的奇妙旅程

2023-05-10 14:56:27

Bands: Djang San + Band 张思安乐队 (Fusion)

10pm, Free!

Afterparty: DJ ADDJ & Boss Cuts (DJ set)

Djang San + Band is built around the electric pipa and electric zhongruan, two ancient instruments modified to enter the 21st century.

Re-inventor of Chinese classical instruments zhongruan and pipa, composer, guitar player, one man orchestra, explorer of new sounds, Djang San has been doing music in Asia since the year 2000. An artist with many faces, Djang San has also won the battle of the bands in Mainland China and Hong Kong against about 100 bands in the year 2011.
Djang San has so far released 40 albums, the music styles of the albums range from Jazz to electro, rock, classical music, experimental music and more. Creator of "A theory of intelligence", the personality of Djang San takes different shapes in his different projects. He will be accompanied this time by Philippe Mège on bass and Hugo Radyn on drums.


他无疑大大革新了这一中国传统乐器的使用。乐队整体风格多样,像是带有中国风格的民谣,兼具摇滚、爵士、电子等其他乐风。张思安原名让-塞巴斯蒂安·艾利。他于2000年踏上中国的土地。2010年,他以“保险超人乐队”参加了中国摇滚大赛, 并在中国大陆和香港地区赢得冠军。他一直在电子和实验音乐领域孜孜不倦地探索。他的音乐很难归类。他是第一个用中阮作曲的外国人,也是第一位使用这一乐器演奏爵士乐和摇滚乐的音乐家。




After:MISH MASH SOUL! All Vinyl Outlaw Garage Surf Psych with DJs Boss Cuts and ADDJ on original 33s and 45s

* This month special: Slow Boat craft beer - S.O.S BELGIAN WIT only 35rmb

本月特价:悠航精酿啤酒 ‘南三里屯比利时小麦’ 只要35元(原价45)

P.s. Come early and join our winter hot deal with all drinks!



We open at 7pm from Tuesday till Sunday.


ADD: Guloudong Da Jie #206 B202, Dongcheng District, Beijing



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