关于手机,白羊座,电子摇滚,难道你也是这样觉得的吗?Do You Really Agree with Them?

2023-05-10 14:56:27

还有5天就是伤心罗伯特Vol 2了,从第一期开始,就老是有人问我,伤心罗伯特是什么?我一般给人翻译一下说:Sad Robot Party。

那Sad Robot 到底是什么呢?


你不与朋友对话,因为你有一个微信朋友也在同时跟你聊天,你好像更倾向性地选择了手机这块金属,因为微信上的这个朋友好像更有趣,更重要,而不是身边的这位可怜的朋友。伤心的朋友便也开始刷起了手机。于是我们都成为了被手机操控着的Robot, 罗!伯!特!

There are 5 days left before Sad Robot Part Vol.2, Since We did Vol.1, People have been asking me what Sad Robot Party is. So what is Sad Robot Party? It's a party which is prepared for you, the sad robot living in this modern sociey which is infested with phone use, which will need some thinking and discussing.

You are wechating people even when you are sitting across from your friend. You chose a piece of metal instead of a human being. You chose to communicate with the robot like you typing in what you want to say into the phone instead of talking face to face, how sad is that? But it's ok, we're here to save you.

所以,伤心罗伯特就是生活在这样一个时代的我们,这个时代 1、适合思(玩)考(手机),2、适合吐槽(想着)朋友(他们),3、适合接触(听听)新事物(电子摇滚)。

In this Era, there are 3 things we would like to share with you: 1. its fun to be on your phone, but think about it too. 2. Vol.2 is happening in March Spring time, also, it's the birthday month for the star sign Aries, let's talk about Aries friends' shit. Its easy to have a conversation about it with a new friend, trust me. 3. Find and see more new music insteading being given shit. 

小编最爱的电子摇滚乐队:原始呐喊 My favorite electronic rock band: Primal Scream


So I interviewed 10 people with these 3 questions to share some facts:

  1. 你一天玩几个小时的手机?有烦过吗?为什么?怎么办?

  2. 你有白羊座的朋友吗?你觉得他们怎么样?吐槽一下吧

  3. 你觉得电子音乐是什么?摇滚是什么?电子摇滚又是什么?你能想到的第一个电子摇滚乐队是什么?

    1. How many hours do you spend on your phone every day? Have you ever got annoyed? Why? What do you do when you get annoyed from it?

    2. Have you got Aries Friends? What do you think about them? Talk some shit about them pleae!

    3. What do you think Electronic music is? What about Rock music? What about Elctronic Rock? What band came to you now?



  1. 8/9个,有烦过,没的玩的时候烦。但手机上也有一些让我烦的:快手!这个APP一点活力都没有,我觉得挺土挺Low的。我会把手机玩到没电,关机了就干别的事情,做歌,写点东西,歌词,和接下来的计划。8/9 hours everyday. If I don't have my phone, I will feel annoyed. But there is an APP called Fast Hand (Vlog app with short videos), which I get annoyed from, I think it's super lame. I will play with my phone until it's dead, then I will have to do something else like making music, write stuff, like lyrics, and future plans.

  2. 他们都挺可爱的,因为我是比较闷的人,所以我比较喜欢开朗的朋友,能说能玩。They are all super cute, because Im pretty shy, so I like outgoing friends, who can talk and have fun.

  3. 我的理解是:电子音乐是一种分离的小宇宙,每个人做的都是不一样的,对情绪的宣泄方式都不一样,开心的,不开心的都有。开心的我自己喜欢听break beat, house, 偏funk一点的。不开心的dark techno。摇滚是能聚集更多人来的音乐,分类音乐其实很有意思的是:电子音乐可以分类人,摇滚乐可以聚集人,更多的是跟不同的人找共鸣,聚到一起。一个德国的电子核:Escape Cowboys, 很多元,很适应很多不同的演出场景,甚至在夜店,也可以很躁很牛逼。My understanding is: electrnic music is a tiny universe which can divide us from life and other people. Everybody does their own thing, happy, sad, both. When I am happy, I like to listen to break beat, house, a bit more funk. When I am sad, I listen to dark techno. Rock music is more able to bring people together compared to electronic music, finding something in common and come together. I can think of a German band called Escape Cowboys, very multi, it can be performed in all kinds of venues even night clubs.

NO. 2

Cab 导演 Director 亚热带主理人 Subtropical

  1. 两小时吧!我晚上睡觉关机那种。出去跟朋友玩儿,我不会看手机,有人找我,我也不会理,跟你玩儿我就跟你玩儿,不会管手机的事儿。烦死了,我手机屏幕小,我看着难受死了。(IPhone SE)。扔一边,不管,做别的事儿,游泳啊,跑步啊,听音乐啊,学习啊,看书啊。About 2 hours! I am a person who turns off her phone when goes to sleep, and when I go out with friends, I don't look at my phone. I'm very annoyed from my phone, it has got a small screen. I will put my phone aside, I will do other things like swimming, running, listening to music, study and read.

  2. 很多白羊座的朋友。我觉得白羊座有点冲动,他们不知道如何控制自己的脑子,太直接,莽撞,有一些不好的后果。(但是我跟白羊座关系很多,你让我说缺点嘛,不会影响到我对白羊座的喜爱)I have a lot of Aries friends. I think they can be a bit impulsive, they don't know how to control their brain, too straight forward, there will be bad result sometimes.

  3. 我觉得:电子音乐就是你心跳的声音,跟你的心跳做一些奇怪的声效,做一些变种,但是基于你的心跳,就像有时候你心跳很快,有时候很慢,有时候有很多杂音,电子音乐可能基于这种律动。摇滚乐更多像尿和汗水。电子摇滚就是你憋了一泡尿,在路上跑的感觉。给你找一个特别牛逼的歌: No Car No Blow Job by The Chinese Stars. I think electronic music is the heart beat. They do strange sound effects on it, but it's based on your heart beat, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes with some noise. Rock music is more like piss and sweat. Electronic Rock is like running while holding your piss. 


九尚 Shang 书法艺术家 Cligrapher

  1. 比较碎片化的用,有时间就看一下,有时间就看一下,闲的时候可能时间会多一点。工作上可能要用微信联系别人,所以全部算上,两个小时左右吧,我有时候会用电脑,其他的。有烦过,曾经有一段时间都不想用那么多的社交工具,但最后发觉所有的朋友圈都在里面,所有的东西都在里面,我不拒绝,也不依赖。I use time inbetween stuff to play with my phone, I will use it to contact work, so all together, maybe 2 hours. Somtimes I use my computer, I sometimes get annoyed, yes, some time in the past, I didn't want to use social apps anymore, but I found all my friends are there, so I can't reject it, but I don't depend on it either.

  2. 我自己就是白羊座,但是我已经不太像白羊座。但是我有很多玩音乐的朋友,都是白羊座。是一个很直接的星座,喜怒哀乐都是形于色的,喜欢的和不喜欢的,很容易表现出来,写在脸上,甚至会说出来,不像其他的星座,会把自己的喜怒哀乐藏起来,不会表现出来。可能是爱,你表现得太直接了,别人接受不了,或者其他的很多原因,但是白羊座可能没有考虑这些,他高兴,他会说出来,他喜欢你,他也会说出来,他讨厌你,他也会说出来,别人可能就接受不了,大家就会觉得:你这个人,怎么这样子?既是优点也是缺点,人性里很好的特点吧!Me myself is Aries, but I'm not like Aries anymore. But many of my musician friends are. They are very straight forward, their eomotion are always on their face, they even say it out loud, but like other star signs hiding their feelings, so sometimes, people find it difficult to deal with their strong expression of love or hate. Its' good and bad.

  3. 电子音乐跟科技特别相关,很早的时候在国外,科技没有那么发达,人家也能做出来很Disco的音乐,很酷的音乐,很科技的音乐,现在的人做音乐可能更依赖科技来做,可能会实现更丰富的效果,更快。我觉得电子音乐在当下是很主流的一个东西,年轻人会很喜欢。最早的摇滚乐是一种批判,一种反抗,一种表现自己很强烈态度的东西,但现在的摇滚乐,就分很多类型了,,后摇,后朋克,这些音乐类型都是一种不同的艺术形式,不一定是反抗的,不一定要批判什么东西,这也是很好的,因为生活中也不可能一天都是战争的,也还有很多美好的,人想要表现的东西就更多,不只是愤怒,还有对世界的其他认知。电子摇滚呢?先有摇滚乐,再有电子乐,后面有人把这两类结合起来,1+1=2.这可能是最粗暴的方式去解释吧!Electronic music is related to technology very much. A long time ago, technology was not that developed, but they could still make very cool music, now people will depend on technology more to make it, more various and faster. I think electronic music is quite main string now, young people like it. A long time ago, rock music was more about being a rebel, or critsize something, show a very strong attitude, but now rock music was not just that, but also with many different genres like post rock, post punk, it's good too, there are more emotions to be expressed beside talking about war all the time. Electronic Rock, is Rock first, then Electronic, 1+1=2.

No. 4

一个甜 Sugar 广告 Advertising

  1. 10个小时,只要醒着就开始玩了,会烦啊,因为特别无聊,上面信息都很无效,解决方式的话就疯狂地去刷其他的APP,还是在手机上,在APP之间切换。10 hours, I'm playing with my phone while I'm awake. I'm annoyed yes, because it's so boring, all the info on there is no ineffective, my solution is to switch apps to apps, still on my phone.

  2. 白羊座很高冷,(旁边的小姐姐抢答:我有一个白羊座的朋友很烦,有很多问题,一直问我,一直问我,一直问我,特别烦)。智商情商都很高。Aries are cold, (a friend beside was anwering as well, saying there is Aries friend who is always asking all kind of questions, all the time), their IQ and EQ are both high.

  3. 电子乐就是那种用合成器啊什么的搞的音乐,类似蠢朋克那种。摇滚是石头(就是ROCK)。电子摇滚,我就不知道了。Electronic music is made by some kind of effecters, like Daft punk. Rock music is stone. ( Stone is Rock I guess) Electronic Rock, I don't know anything.

No. 5 

忍者 NinjaBlade 制作人 Producer

  1. 20个小时(吹牛逼吧!)基本不睡的时候都在玩手机,不烦,手机不在我口袋里5分钟,我就别扭,就难受,重度手机依赖症。可能放音乐或者做音乐,工作的时候会放下手机,玩游戏的时候(X BOX或电脑上的游戏)可能会放下手机。20 hours, I'm playing with my phone while not sleeping, I'm not annoyed. I will be annoyed is my phone is not with me for even  minutes. I will put down my phone if I'm making music or playing computer/X BOX games.

  2. 我前任是白羊座,她挺好的,有一点自私,突然消失。我在她录节目的时候给她发消息,被她经纪人看到了,她就消失了(有可能是公司条款的事儿吧,没有特别大的错,保留饭碗嘛)My ex is Aries, she is fine, but a bit selfish, she ghost lit me before because I sent her a message while she was shooting, it was discovered by her agent who thinks it's against the company rule. I don't blame her.

  3. 流行音乐是盖饭,爵士音乐是烤串,嘻哈音乐是拉面,电子音乐可能是日料了,蛮精致的。摇滚是烤肉。电子摇滚就是烤肉配日料,哈哈哈哈!Let's say, Pop is like a rice dish, Jazz is Chuaner, Hip-Hop is noodles, electronic music is maybe Japanese food. Rock is BBQ meat. Electronic rock is like eating japanese food with BBQ meat.

休息一下,马上回来。。。 Half Time...

精彩继续 Let's Continue:


杰西 Snow from E&A/The Great Outdoors 

  1. 3/4 hours, especially being a bar manager, work and life. I get annoyed quite a bit, my phone goes blowing up, even I put it on silent mode, when I check the time, there are 50 messages. It gets hectic sometimes. Sometimes I just leave it in the bedroom, and go to the living room, to play some games or something. Out of sight, out of mind. 可能三四个小时吧,因为我在酒吧上班,工作生活需要。我有时候会烦,手机都要炸了,即使关静音,你在看时间的时候,你会发现已经有了50条未读消息, 很混乱。有时候我就把手机放在卧室,自己去客厅玩游戏,眼不见心不烦。

  2. My husband is Aries. (I was leading her mind by saying typical Aries is selfish, impulsive, and straight foward)But he is none of these bad qualities. Just to my husband, I wish he has a bigger backbone, he is a huge push over, he doesn't know how to be aggresive with people when he needs to, he pretty much does whatever people tell him to do. He is not typical Aries at all. But sometimes I think my roomate is Aries, she is very aggresive, straight forward, if she doesn't like you, she will let you know. I'm not sure if she is Aries, but she certainly acts like one. 我老公是白羊, 但他一点都不像白羊(我诱导说白羊一般比较自私,冲动,太直接)他没有你说的这些缺点,但是有时候我希望他在面对一些东西的时候能更强悍一些,不要老听别人的。但我觉得我室友有点像白羊,她很强势,很直接,如果她不喜欢你,她会让你知道的。

  3. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, just like any other genre. I used to be a go go dancer, I usually dance to electronic beats, occasionally, there's a song or 2 thats not very good, so it throws your mood. I actually love Rock music, old school stuff, like Led Zepplin, that's what I grew up with, so it's my favorite genre. There is a DJ in Austin which mix rock music with electronic, who is really good. But I also heard bad mixes. I think it depends on you love both genres a lot, then you can piece them together, but with the bad mixies maybe ,they know this song, and kinda know this genre, mix them together, then it doesn't really work. 有些电子乐很好,有些不好,就跟所有音乐类型一样,我以前是跳GO GO 的,所以我们的歌是电子的一般,有一些歌实在毁坏心情。我其实最喜欢摇滚,我喜欢Led Zepplin, 我是在摇滚的环境中长大的。 我听过一些DJ把摇滚音乐做成电子的,非常棒!如果一个人很懂这两种音乐,应该能做很多很棒的remix. 如果就知道一首歌,然后对一种音乐类型懂一点点,恐怕做出来的东西很可怕。

No. 7 

路易 Luis 白噪音 Bye Bye Noise

  1. 挺多的吧,3/4个小时。手机里没有游戏,主要是跟别人说话,看朋友圈。有的时候挺烦的,当你意识到手机浪费你这么多时间的话,就会觉得比较烦。就干一些其他应该干的事儿,比如学习,练琴。Quite amount of time, like 3/4 hours. There are no games on my phone, I usually spend the time on chatting and checking moments. Super annoyed sometimes when I realize how much time I waste on it. I will do somthing else like study or play guitar.

  2. 有很多白羊座的朋友,白羊的我认识的大多都是冲动型的,跟别人撕B(而且不是喝醉的时候,是非常正常的情况下)比较焦虑的那种,成天想着怎么跟人撕B。(哈哈哈)I have a lot of Aries friends, they are all quite impulsive, they like to argue with people even when they are not drunk , it seems like that they have been thinking about how to argue with people

  3. 我觉得电子音乐就是“动, 动, 动,动次动次。。。”(采访背景就是DJ在MAO放电子),摇滚就太多了,因为我玩摇滚的,所以我对电子就是明显跳舞,动次动次,摇滚的话就比较能表达各种情绪,一般电子乐就是表达高兴的,喝酒,高兴!电子摇滚也还是加了电子元素,还是以高兴为主。除了实验,和另类的。主要跳舞就是高兴。现在想到的有 Fat Boy Slim, 化学兄弟。I think electronic music is just boom, boom, boom...I'm a rock musician so electronic music to me is just boom boom boom, dance and being happy, but with rock music, I think there are more emotions rather than happniess. Electronic Rock is Rock music with electronic elements, still happy(except alternative and expreimental. I can think of Fat Boy Slim and Chemical brothers.

No. 8

凌云 Leo 目前浪着 Partying these days

  1. 三个小时。会烦,因为我觉得占用了我很多的时间,浪费时间。YY就是可以避免玩手机。还有就是跟朋友出去玩,聊天。3 hours. I get annoyed, because it takes up my study time, it's a waste of time. You can jerk off to avoid playing on your phone, or going out with friends, chat.

  2. 没有想吐槽他们。I don't want to talk shit about Aries friends.

  3. 我对音乐不是很懂,但是我觉得电子音乐是那种可以让你全身都能动起来的那种,会共鸣,会非常自然地随着律动,沉浸在里面。摇滚就口味很重,声嘶力竭地唱歌。电子摇滚就是两种类型的音乐混合在一起,所以,声嘶力竭和律动结合在一起,那就是的感觉。哈哈哈哈哈。。。。I don't know music that much, but I think electronic music is a kind of music which can make your whole body move. Rock music is heavier, singing hystericially. Electronic Rock is these 2 together.


Zak 方Bar 老板 Bar Owner of Fang Bar

  1. 不固定。斗地主啊看朋友圈啊。还有工作也算进去的话,每天大概两个小时吧。偶尔发个朋友圈,但是很少,酒吧有个活动啥的,不会发自己的东西。我还是觉得烦,因为我可以用这个时间做更有意思的事情。我玩手机的时候大部分是因为无聊,浪费时间。解决方式:看看有没有熟人在旁边,有的话,我就会把手机放下,去跟他们聊天。Not very stable on different days. I play cards and check moments usually, but counting work time in, maybe 2 hours everyday. I post sometimes on moments but rarely only when there is an event in the bar, I don't like to share persoanl thing on there. I think it's annoying, because I think it's boring, and it's a waste of time. My solution to look around and see if there are some people I can talk to, if there is, I will put down my phone and go talk to them.

  2. 我特别烦星座。好多人特别信这个东西,找对象,交朋友啊都会看这个东西,特别二逼。I really hate talking about star signs. A lot of people believe in this crap, for realationship for socialing, very silly.

  3. 现在的电子音乐形式比我年轻时候不一样,那时候的电子音乐指的是Techno, 速度特别快那种。现在有更多不同的种类,不同的速度。以前的话一提到电子乐,就能想到一个氛围,好多人,音乐特别吵,特别闹,一直摇着头。摇滚呢,如果你在我8岁的时候问我,我会说摇滚就是几个留着长发的男生,一个吉他手,一个主唱,一个鼓手(还有贝斯手),包括邦乔维, 枪花啊什么都有。以前分类型没有分那么清楚,现在有什么后摇,好多好多!电子摇滚就是摇滚是主要成分,再加上电子的元素。A 公馆。Electronic music now is very different from when I was young, by then electronic music was techno, the kind which quite fast beats, but now there are a lot more other kinds and beats. Before, you mention electronic music, you will picture it in your head that there are a lot of people shaking their heads to really loud music. With Rock music, if you ask me when I was eight, I would think about a few young boys with long hair, guitar, vocalist, drummer (Bass), like Bon Jovi, Guns & Roses. There were no that many genres, but now, there are so many. Electronic Rock is main elementey by Rock, and plus electronic elements. Resident A.

No. 10 

蕾蕾 Jolie 纹身师 Tattoo Artist

  1. 我大多数在用手机时一般是因为我的工作(答非所问,我问玩几个小时)。不烦不烦,My phone is my life.Never Never (已经醉了)I use my phone usually because of my work. ( I asked how much time she spends on phone, she is drunk, haha)

  2. 我根本不认识白羊座的朋友,但是我认识一个女的,她的太阳星座是双鱼座,上升星座是白羊(重复了三遍),她很爱我,enough! (哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,一直笑一直笑)。她的玻璃心不是白羊座,是双鱼座(双鱼不小心躺枪)白羊座很可爱,因为她是我闺蜜。I don't know any Aries, but I know a girl who is a moon Aries, her sun star sign is double fish. She loves me very much. (laughing the whole time, not anwering the questions really) Her glass heart is becasue of being a pisces, but being Aries. ( Sorry, our Pisces friends), Aries is cute, because she is my BFF.

  3. 我觉得,电子音乐和其他音乐的区别就是,其他的音乐可以POGO,电子音乐可以Dancing。摇滚音乐就是可以po po po po, 可以跳水。电子音乐可以放飞自我。电子摇滚就是在摇滚的基础上加了一点电子,很多摇滚乐手觉得电子音乐是一个趋势,所以他们加一些元素在里面。Pacalolo!I think the difference between electronic music and other music is that other music we can pogo to, but electronic music we can dance to. We can po po po pogo to rock music, crowd surfing. We can let ourselves go with elctronic music. Electronic rock is still based on rock music, adding a bit of electrnic elements, there are a lot rock musicians think it's trendy to do it. 






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团购预售(3张)135元 (5张)200元,

135RMB for 3 Tickets, 200RMB for 5 tickets

点击 阅读原文 购票与查看阵容详情 Click Read More to buy tickets and check out lineup.


回答这三个问题赢取两张门票,获奖名单会在3月29日6点之前公布。 Answer these 3 questions to get 2 free tickets, we will notify you if you win before 6 pm Mar. 29th :


 Please give the 3 answers at the comment session below, cheers!

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