新年演出推荐 《内在律动》青年爵士音乐家李世海新专辑首发音乐会

2023-05-10 14:56:27







《内在律动 Inner Rhythm》


“Inner Rhythm”


2016年5月,我在波士顿的Wellspring Studio录制了音乐生涯中第一张个人的专辑,整张专辑也充满了不同种类的复合节奏。虽然没有传统意义上爵士摇摆乐的风格,但是即兴的概念和思维的创新是爵士精神一贯秉承的。


As far as I'm concerned, what really brings out the strong vitality that each note possesses is the variations of rhythm. When a simple melody is endowed with a special pattern of the rhythm, these notes seem to jump out from the staff of surface -- that is the Groove.

In May 2016, I recorded my first original album at Wellspring Studio in Boston. The album is full of different kinds of polyrhythms. The concept of improvisation and innovative thinking presented here are always deeply adhered to the spirit of Jazz, even with the absence of traditional jazz swing music in this album.

Sincerely, I hope this album could bring a new sense of hearing to all Jazz fans.


中国最具影响力的萨克斯演奏家之一,作曲家、教育家、美国新英格兰音乐学院爵士萨克斯硕士。2012年在德国石荷州音乐节上,由李世海改编的中国传统歌曲《东方红》让欧洲的观众听到了中国年青一代爵士乐的新声音。随后他的爵士大乐队作品《Song for Gloria》成功首演于2013年爵士上海音乐节。2015 年获得首届 Jz Awards 华人爵士“最佳新人奖”,现任教于南京艺术学院爵士萨克斯专业。

Li Shihai is one of the most influential saxophonists, composers, and educators in China. He graduated from New England Conservatory of Music with a Master Degree. At the 2012 Schleswig Holstein Music Festival, a rearranged version of a Chinese traditional folk song "the East is red" by Shihai made the European audience stunned with the young generation of Chinese jazz musicians. Afterwards, his big band composition "Song for Gloria" was successfully performed at the 2013 Shanghai Jazz Festival. In 2015, he received the 'Best Newcomer Artist' Award from the first JZ Awards. Shihai is currently teaching jazz saxophone at the Nanjing University of Arts.


2017.01.06  周五 FRI


@ On Stage

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