April 14 | Tiempo Libre blends Cuban, Western tunes 古巴自由节奏爵士乐队

2023-05-10 14:56:27

Three-time Grammy-nominated Afro-Caribbean music group Tiempo Libre will present a night of Latin jazz.

One of the hottest Latin bands today, Tiempo Libre is celebrated for its sophisticated tropical music featuring an irresistible, exhilarating mix of jazz harmonies, contemporary sonorities and seductive Latin rhythms.

Throughout the past 14 years, the band has appeared around the globe and has been featured on television shows including “The Tonight Show,” “Live From Lincoln Center” and “Dancing With the Stars,” as well as many entertainment programs. Since the group’s formation in Miami in 2001, its members have been on a mission to share their Afro-Caribbean heritage with as wide an audience as possible, reinterpreting and reinvigorating music born from the meeting of their musical origins with their new American experience.

The band’s members all attended Cuba’s National Arts Schools, Escuelas Nacionales de Arte, together. Their experiences around the globe have been a big catalyst for the multicultural bent in Tiempo Libre’s music. “We studied music for 15 years and we have been living in many different countries so we absorb different cultures very easily,” said bandleader Jorge Gomez. “People in this band, they have been living in Italy, in Spain, in Mexico, in Germany, so it’s very easy for them to bring different cultures with Cuban rhythms, because it’s a part of their life — our life.”


曾于古巴著名音乐学府修读古典音乐,三次获得格莱美奖提名的古巴自由节奏爵士乐队成员们, 将他们家乡古巴的丰富音乐传统,跨时空地带到二十一世纪。这队以迈阿密为基地的组合,向来 以别具一格、无法抗拒的非洲-古巴民间节奏,来结合舞蹈元素的拉丁爵士与古巴颂乐而备受推崇。这个乐队通过亮相清谈节目《今晚秀》(Tonight Show)、纽约林肯中心现场演出、《与星共舞》(Dancing with the Stars)及巡回世界各地的音乐会,包括在唐格乌节、新奥尔良爵士音乐与传统文化节,于好莱坞露天剧场举行的花花公子爵士音乐节中演出,纽约林肯中心的爵士节, 香港的葵青剧院以及在意大利科尔托纳的托斯卡纳太阳艺术节的演出,将古巴音乐带给新的听众。

Time: 8 p.m., April 14

Tickets: 100-480 yuan

Venue: Shenzhen Concert Hall, intersection of Hongli Road and Yitian Road, Futian District (福田区红荔路和益田路交汇处深圳音乐厅)

Metro: Line 3 or 4, Children’s Palace Station (少年宫站), Exit D

Source/ Shenzhen Daily   Editor/ Cao Zhen

WeChat editors/ Doria, Jane

Shenzhen Daily

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