
2023-05-10 14:56:27



哎呀音乐首次为深圳爵士乐迷带来原汁原味的爵士现场。由中国萨克斯大师李高阳携手丹麦最佳青年钢琴家Carl Winther联合贝斯Brian Hurley,鼓手邵哈哈组成的李高阳与Carl Winther爵士乐队于12.26日在A8Live率先登场。余下的三个场次分别是1月9日香港Teriver Cheung乐队,1月17日巴西Tinho乐队,1月24日香港Big Band乐团The 5422 Collective。

李高阳与Carl Winther(丹麦)爵士乐队是一支国际化的Post Bop(后波普)Free Jazz(自由爵士)组合,这支乐队成员包括中国爵士萨克斯大师李高阳,丹麦钢琴大师Carl Winther,以及爵士贝斯演奏家Brian Hurley,爵士鼓演奏家邵哈哈。

乐队近年来活跃在中国及欧洲,曾受邀参加北京九门爵士音乐节,深圳爵士福田专场音乐会,深圳卫视2013年跨年音乐会以及丹麦哥本哈根爵士音乐节等大型音乐活动。并与美国世界顶级爵士乐大师Jerry BergonziGeorge Garzone长期合作。

李高阳与Carl Winther爵士乐队的音乐富有力量,节奏感与国际化音乐元素,在每场精彩的音乐会中会为听众带来纯正的爵士乐。



时间1226 周五 20:30


地点:深圳市南山区科园路一号A8音乐大厦二楼(公交:滨海之窗站 地铁:后海站)


Li Gaoyang (China) and Carl Winther (Denmark) is aninternational Jazz band combining a style of Post Bop and Free Jazz. The bandmembers include Chinese top Jazz Saxophone artist Li Gaoyang, Danish pianistCarl Winther and Jazz bass player Hu Hao (China), and jazz drummer Shao Ha Ha(China).

The band has been active in China and Europe in recent years. They were invitedto perform in global music events such as Beijing Ninegates Jazz Festival,Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Shenzhen Jazz Concert (Futian), Shenzhen TV (SZTV)New Year's Eve Concert. The band has a long-term cooperation with worldrenowned top Jazz masters Jerry Bergonzi and George Garzone, both from theUnited States. The music from this jazz band is full of power, and includeselements of international music. In every concert they always amaze theaudience, and bring pure pleasure to all jazz enthusiasts.

Tickets: pre-sale of 120 RMB, 150 RMB at the scene, students 80 RMB(Click on the bottom of "reading the original" into the purchase link)

ShowTime: December 26th (Friday) 20:30

Venue:A8 Live

Address:2F, A8live Building, No.1002 Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (Bus: BinHai Zhi Chuang/ Metro: Hou Hai)

Organizer:IYA Music &A8Live

Teriver Cheung是一个全球巡演的音乐人。香港籍的他现居住于纽约并拥有大量机会与国际知名的音乐人如拉丁格莱美获奖者、贝司手Eddie Gomez合作,还有包括Bernard WrightGeorge GarzoneBilly Drummond, Taylor Eigsti, Richard Stoltzman等有过大量的合作演出及巡演经验。Cheung已经把他的音乐推向全球,尤其是美国,英国,波兰,中国,香港,日本,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,新加坡,台湾和墨西哥等地,同时他在不同的音乐节和演唱会上均有过演出。

2004年,Teiver在北德克萨斯大学获得了爵士研究学士学位并获奖学金。在那里他和Fred Hamilton一起学习,演出并与2 O’ clock lab乐队合作录音,同时还在达拉斯沃斯堡地区获得了与国际知名音乐人如Bernard Wright, Quamon FowlerShelly Carroll共同录音的机会。同时他还在Fort-Worth Main Street音乐节, Wild Flower 音乐节,Denton Art and Jazz音乐节等众多大型音乐活动上有过演出经验。在2009年,Teriver迁移到纽约市。从那之后他便以乐队领队及伴奏者的双重身份活跃在爵士界。

作为一个多才多艺的音乐人,Cheung不仅仅是一名爵士乐手,同时他还在很多创造性的灵魂乐/ 节奏布鲁斯/说唱项目中有所成就,并且他还在纽约领衔一个叫做’Nuf Said’ 的灵魂/放克风格的乐团进行大量演出。这个乐队在20122月录制了第一张唱片,并展开了为期3周的亚洲巡演。他们的首张专辑 <My Kind>2013年发行。

这个冬天,Teriver Cheung将邀请知名乐手共同演出,为您带来最热闹的fusionfunky冬季爵士飨宴。



时间1226 周五 20:30


地点:深圳市南山区科园路一号A8音乐大厦二楼(公交:滨海之窗站 地铁:后海站)


Teriver Cheung is an international touring guitarist. Currently bassed in New York City,the Hong Kong native had the opportunities to tour and perform with Latin Grammy Award winner bassist Eddle Gomez,and word renowned musician such as Bernard Wright,George Garzone Billy Drummond,Taylor Eigsti,Richard Stoltzman.Cheung had already share his music internationally to the US,UK,Poland,China,Hong Kong,Japan,Indonesia,Malaysia,Singapore,Taiwan and Mexico,and appeared on different music festivals and venues.

In 2004, Teriver went on to receive his Bachelors of Jazz studies at the University of North Texas with a scholarship. There he studied with Fred Hamilton, performed and recording with 2 O’clock lab band, and had the experience performing or recording with some of the world-renowned musicians such as Bernard Wright,Quanmon Fowler and Shelly Carroll in Dallas-Fort Worth Area.He also performed at the Fort-worth Main street Festival,Wild Flower Festival,Denton Art and Jazz Festival to name a few.In 2009,Teriver relocated to New York City.Since then he has been playing an active role in the jazz music scene both as a bandleader and sideman.

As a versatile musician,cheung is not limited as a Jazz guitarist.Besides working actively for various creative Soul/R&B/Hiphop project, he co-lead a soul/funk group called ‘Nef Said and has been performing regularly in New York City.The band had recorded the first album in Feb 2012 followed by a 3-week long Asia tour. Their debut album”My Kind”will be released in 2013.

Tickets: pre-sale of 120 RMB, 150 RMB at the door, students 80 RMB(Click on the bottom of "reading the original" into the purchase link)

ShowTime: December 26th (Friday) 20:30

Venue:A8 Live

Address:2F, A8live Building, No.1002 Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (Bus: BinHai Zhi Chuang/ Metro: Hou Hai)

Organizer:IYA Music &A8Live

Tinho Pereira

巴西多重乐器演奏家Tinho Pereira拥有丰富的音乐才能,并在吉他、贝司、歌唱、音乐制作方面展现了他卓越的创造性。他与来自世界各地的音乐人一起合作,弹奏的风格包括拉丁爵士及大量其它的音乐风格。

Tinho出生在一个接近巴西圣保罗叫做Araraquara的城市,他从6岁起开始弹奏原声吉他,7岁时在Villa Lobos Conservatory学校系统地学习古典音乐。在12岁时开始弹奏电贝司,并在巴西和南美的许多酒吧、俱乐部和舞厅弹奏各种各样的音乐。TinhoAraraquaraVilla Lobos音乐学校毕业并获得学士学位后,他在Dr. Carlos 音乐学校继续攻读电贝司课程,并且在圣保罗的ULM学校学习古典吉他,之后他师从Walter Falcoski, Henrique Pinto, Ana Maria BedaqueMario Campos等大师并专注于古典吉他,电贝司的编曲与和声工作。

Tinho在巴西的很多录音室及音乐酒吧与大量歌手和乐队共同工作过。在2000年他与Mestre Oswaldinho do Acordeon在意大利雷吉艾米利亚市的Fisiarmonic音乐节共同演出。Tinho2005年以后移居到上海,分别在上海的国际爵士音乐节上与Shanghai Latin Project、在杭州爵士音乐节与Universal Quartet、在香港国际爵士音乐节与Joao Mascarenhas Trio共同演出。他还作为贝司手加入了上海的Big Band乐团,并上国内电视台进行现场演出。现在在上海生活的Tinho是一名为当地音乐工作室担当录音师、制作人和自由演出者的身份,并会时常与Alec Haavik’s Friction Five, Superloukos Trio, Universal Quartet和他自己的Tinho Pereira Trio等团体进行演出。同时他还从事吉他和贝司的教学工作。在2011124日,Tinho发表了他的第一张自己编写、制作、并邀请了超过20名来自世界各地的嘉宾音乐人参与创作的独立器乐专辑《Hand Made》。

萨克斯 Wilson Chen

Wilson13岁时开始接触萨克斯,在那之后他师从Zhang Xiao Lu教授学习并在20012002年获得了雅马哈赞助的国际萨克斯大赛冠军。从19岁他开始在上海的顶尖爵士酒吧和亚洲各大国际音乐节进行职业爵士演出。Wilson Chen还与许多新兴的中国音乐家一起在上海当地进行过多场爵士演出。 在作为Tinho Pereira四重奏乐队一员的同时,他同时还是LuxuanchenJ3JZ All-Stars Big Band乐队的成员。Wilson曾与国际著名爵士大师Dee Dee BridgewaterLaura Figy同台演出,并获得了Bob Mintzer, Masato Honda, George Benso, Rusty HigginsGene Aitken等名人的高度赞誉。

Tinho Pereira & Band

Brazillian multi-instrumentalist Tinho Pereira has the versatility and creativity of a virtuoso (guitarist,bassist,vocalist,producer).He works with musicians from all over the world, playing Latin jazz as well as various other styles and genres.

Tinho was born in a city near Sao Paulo called Ararapuara and started to play acoustic guitar when he was 6 years old, studied classical music at 7 in the Villa Lobos Conservatory of Music. At the age of 12 he started playing electric bass, traveling around Brazil and South America performing all kinds of music in bars,night clubs,and ballrooms. Tinho graduated with a degree in classical guitar from the Conservatory Villa Lobos in Araraquara City then went on to study electric bass at Conservatory Dr. Carlos de Campos in Tatui City, and also studied classical guitar at the ULM in Sao Paulo,and further contentrated in classical guitar, electric bass, arrangement and harmony with masters Walter Falcoski, Henrique Pinto, Ana Maria Bedaque and Mario Campos.

Tinho has worked in many recording studios and played in dozens of music clubs with different artists and bands around Brazil. In 2000 he played at the Fisiarmonic Festival in Reggio Emilia City, Italy, with the mestre Oswaldinho do Acordeon. Tinho has based himself in Shanghai since 2005,playing at the JZ Shanghai International Jazz festival with the Shanghai Latin Project, at the Hangzhou jazz Festival with the Universal Quartet and at the Hong Kong International Jazz Festival with Joao Mascarenhas Trio. He also joined the Shanghai Big Band as a bassist, playing live concerts for national TV. Tinho now records and produces for studios in Shanghai, performs freelance and has regular gigs with groups such as Alec Haavik’s Friction Five, the Superloukos Trio, the Universal Quartet, and with his own Tinho Pereira Trio. He also gives bas and guitar classes. On Jan 24,2011 Tinho released his 1st instrumental album ’Hand Made’, on an indie label, whose entire contents he composed, arranged, and produced featuring over 20 guest musicians from all over the globe.

Tickets: pre-sale of 120 RMB, 150 RMB at the scene, students 80 RMB(Click on the bottom of "reading the original" into the purchase link)

ShowTime: December 26th (Friday) 20:30

Venue:A8 Live

Address:2F, A8live Building, No.1002 Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (Bus: BinHai Zhi Chuang/ Metro: Hou Hai)

Organizer:IYA Music &A8Live

The 5422 Collective是于2013年成立的爵士大乐团。成员各具经验,几亿,风格背静亦迥然不同:由海外的留学毕业生,到香港本地培养多年的专业乐手。因着对爵士大乐团的热诚而加入。乐团以演奏原创器乐作品为主,辅以重新编写的演唱歌曲。作品创新兼容各种当代曲风,不随传统般注重曲试重复及变奏,而以多段式长篇作品为取向。乐团指挥雷柏熹兼任作曲及编曲,创作乐团专门演出的曲目。

The 5422 Collective2013年香港艺穗民化节做首演,大获好评。随后获邀于20144月由美国驻香港总领事馆及UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)合办的国际爵士乐日中演出。乐团紧接于香港夏日爵士音乐节演出,同样得一致赞赏。乐团于同年九月为香港国际爵士音乐节做开幕表演嘉宾。

乐团将于1.28号第一次来到深圳,带给Big Band乐迷一场饱含暖意的爵士现场。



时间1226 周五 20:30


地点:深圳市南山区科园路一号A8音乐大厦二楼(公交:滨海之窗站 地铁:后海站)


The 5422 Collective is a young jazzorchestra from Hongkong newly formed in 2013.From graduates returning home frommusic schools around the world to local veteran big band professionals,theorchestra consists of accomplished played from different musical backgroundswho share the same keen passion for jazz.The 5422 Collective features primarilyoriginal pieces.Adopting a more moderncompositional style, and not shying away from the influences from othercontemporary genres,the writing drifts away from the traditional approach ofrepetitions and Variations of tunes,and towards episondic pieces with longerforms instead,while maintaining considerable accessibility. Patrick Lui servesas the composer for the band,who also directs and writes rearrangement of favoritesfrom the jazz vocal repertoire; these combine to form the band’s very own book.

The 5422 Collective made its debutperformance at the Hong Kong People’s Fringe Festival 2013 to criticalacclaim.In April 2014,the group was invited to perform in Hong Kong on theannual International Jazz Day,in collaboration with UNESCO and the U.SConsulate General Hong Kong&Macou. Following that was an appearance in theHong Kong Summer Jazz Festival at City Hall,which was unanimously praised.The5422 Collective most recently performed as the opening act for the Hong KongInternational Jazz Festival 2014 in September.

Tickets:pre-sale of 180 RMB, 230 RMB at the scene, students 120 RMB(Click on the bottomof "reading the original" into the purchase link)

ShowTime:December 26th (Friday) 20:30


Address:2F,A8live Building, No.1002 Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (Bus: BinHaiZhi Chuang/ Metro: Hou Hai)

Organizer:IYA Music &A8Live


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