【2.4 周日】子玉乐队专场,Ember Swift Band Live At SCHOOL

2023-05-10 14:56:27

2月4号本周日晚9点,我们的老朋友,加拿大才女Ember Swift子玉,将和她的乐队一起重返SCHOOL舞台。欢迎来听她唱歌,度过一个轻松温暖的周末之夜。


她有着充满张力的嗓音,又弹得一手好琴,音乐风格横跨爵士,吉普赛,摇滚,放克,流行,民谣以及蓝调。出来独具一格的爵士风格吉他演奏之外,舞台上的子玉更是有着迷人的气质。在过去的20年里,Ember Swift一直坚持走独立音乐人的道路。2017年发行的新专辑《Sticks & Stones》中更融入了自己作为母亲的特殊情感

子玉的乐队组建于北京,成员有美国的鼓手Anthony Vanacore, 英国的贝司手Jack Lecomber,以色列的键盘手Yoav Volansky,以及中国的二胡手王雅琪。风格包括爵士,吉普赛,摇滚,放克,流行,民谣,和蓝调。

Canadian artist Ember Swift now resides in the magnetic city of Beijing, China. Ember speaks Mandarin and is a student of Chinese culture, so her music also melds these two traditions. It features lyrics in Mandarin, English and French (the latter both official Canadian languages) and the arrangements feature both Western and Eastern instrumentation such as the featured erhu in her band, a two-stringed traditional Chinese instrument that is considered the ‘Chinese violin.’Specifically known for her unique, jazz-influenced guitar playing and elastic vocals, additional styles include folk, jazz, swing, R&B, funk, pop, folk-rock, and blues.

The band, assembled in Beijing, includes America’s Anthony Vancore on the drums, the UK’s Jack Lecomber on bass, Israel’s Yoav Volansky on keys, and China’s Wang Ya Qi on the erhu. They are five people who come from four different parts of the world but who have chosen Beijing as their current homes proving, once again, that Beijing is truly a global magnet.

  Ember Swift Band Live At SCHOOL  


Time:2018/2/4 21:00

Lineup:Ember Swift

  Price:60 RMB


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